Friday, December 31, 2010
Brothers - "New Years Day" Song
Hey people I just wanted to say Happy New Year!!!! We here at Intelligence Has Been Compromised will be taking the day off. I've not decided about tomorrow yet but I'll update and let you know. Thanks to everyone who made this year a success for IHBC and heres to a new year and new exciting realms for the blog!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Cage the Elephant - "Around My Head" New Song
This band was one of the coolest to come out last year. I'm excited for their new release which is due out in just a few weeks. You can check out the newest song below. Stay tuned of the review of their new album when it drops.
Architects UK - "Learn To Live" New Song
You can here a new song by the band Architects below. Still not sure how I feel about this band. The music might be a little too pop punk for my tastes and I'm not sure how I feel about the vocals either. Still waiting to call this one. "The Here and Now" is due out in January.
What ever happened to these guys? (Killswitch Engage)
Man oh man where to begin..this post kind of hurts me in a way... First off i would love to say that Killswitch Engage is one of my favorite metal bands. It started out with the album "Alive or Just Breathing" for me and then shortly after into "The End of Heartache", which are both brutal as hell and I thought had the same singer because i was stupid. Killswitch has, in my opinion, done what a lot of bands/artist/talentless pop musician bastards have done with their musical careers. They started out with one sound and over the years changed into something that they were probably trying to do in the beginning but weren't sure what that sound really was or because they ended up wanting to please the rest of the world with what they wanted to hear.(which i guess to musicians is all they want to do ultimately). Well I can say that what they have turned into has been very slow and gradual..but i don't like it... and i feel like a child for saying that because all of their albums are absolutely incredible from a musician standpoint.
"To the Son's of Man"
"Rise Inside"
As Mormotron was saying KSE first album was epic but shortly after the release of the album Jesse Leech the lead singer quit the band. This left the remaining members in a bind. They did the normally vocalist try outs and finally added Howard Jones of Blood Has Been Shed. Howard was a natural fit in the band's overall style. He was able to do unbelievable screaming while doing above par singing. He remains, to this day, one of my favorite vocalist. With the addition of a new singer meant it was time to record a new album so they went to work on "The End of Heartache". Easily the second best album in the bands discography, "The End of Heartache" built on the sound of the first album making the sound bigger and capturing the heavy and light elements noticeably. This is the album that really transported them into the limelight and established their listener base. It also showed us that without Jesse, KSE was still the same old KSE.... or so we thought.
In 2006 KSE released "As Daylight Dies" and while its a good album the elements that would eventually lead to the bands regression in sound started to take hold. Nothing was hurt more than the lyrics. Jesse wrote deep and meaningful lyrics that were uplifting and at times beautiful. Howard tried his best to emulate the same style and feel that Jesse had done so well and he did a good job until "As Daylight Dies." It was also during this album were it was getting harder and harder to distinguish between songs. I'm still a fan of the album and still give it a listen every once in a while. Things didn't get really bad until the Self Titled album. -Daz
"When Darkness Falls"
"My Curse"
To me this sounds like Avenged Sevenfold or something... it just doesn't sound good to me...
"The Forgotten"
Long story short I still think Killswitch is the bees knees I just want them to start making good music again.
Everwhere - "Hate" New Video
Haven't metal bands learned that singing about hate isn't "cool" anymore? Obviously not. Still the song is pretty rockin. Even if the concept has been done a million times already. Some pretty epic solo's and druming as well. The band is also offering up free downloads at THIS LOCATION.
Sodom - "God Bless You" New Song
Decibel Magazine posted this new song by Sodom The songs pretty good. Standard metal fair I would say. You can check out more about the band HERE. I'm sure the band has something to promote but I'm not sure I care what it is.
Finally, A way for girls to tone their boobs!
Top Non Metal Albums of 2010. Part 2

This album is great in almost every way. 1900's take advantage of the male and female vocals masterfully. The sound of the record is huge without feeling over done. You feel that there could be 100 people working on it at any one time. The songs mainly share a uplifting feel that keeps you listening just for the sheer fun of it.

Cee Lo Green - "The Lady Killer"
It pisses me off that people won't consider this album for album of the year. This is one of the only R&B records I've ever liked. That's saying a lot. Songs are masterful-ally preformed on the album. Its fun just to listen to it, and super easy to sing along with. The lead single "Fuck You" is in my top 10 songs of the decade. Sure its exploitation at its most basic form, but the song is great.

The band may no longer exist but that doesn't mean they can't still provide us with not one but two good albums! I just reviewed this album so I won't go into too much. I just really feel this is one that you should listen to. Its apologetically rock music through and through. Seriously if you do anything just check out "Star Wars".

If there has ever been an epic cover album, this is it. Perfect. Yeah I fucking said it the albums PERFECT! I like their version's of these Hall and Oates songs as much as the originals and I LOVE Hall and Oates. Seriously, I dare you to challenge that this album isn't perfect. DO IT... you can't. The first time you hear "Sara Smile" or "Kiss On My List" you'll be hooker harder and faster than the most crackiest of crack heads.

Mike Patton - "Mondo Cane"
Definitely the most unique entry on the list. the majority of the album is in Italian and the songs are a compilation of Italian pop songs but with a full 65 person orchestra. Mike Patton of course is the lead singer of bands such as Tomahawk and Faith No More. His vocals are flawless and his range might be the most amazing of any human being. If you like Big Band music or if your a fan of more classical stuff check it out.
Get A Free Relapse Records Sampler
Relapse Records is the home for tons of great bands such as Baroness, Kill the Client, Kingdom of Sorrow and thats just the start. The sampler has 26 tracks from different bands on the label. All you have to do to get the album is go their Facebook page and hit "Like". I think thats worth 26 free song, don't you? Press the photo below to navigate to their page.
Baptized In Blood - Dirty Back
I think I may have posted this video before. The first video is the behind the scene's of making the video Dirty Back and below is the actual video. I love the process of making bigger production music videos, they always take forever and when I watch them I'm wondering how much they are lip sinking or air guitaring. Baptized In Blood got a lot of press and good reviews for their new album that share the same name as the band. The self titled album was released earlier this year.
Making Of...
Dirty Back...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
You Should Know This Song
A blog that was started recently to showcase new and older songs that are pure awesome. You can visit the site HERE. Its still in its early stages but it has the recipe for greatness. Check it out and leave a comment on their site, they will be happy to have you. You can also follow them on Twitter HERE and check out their FACEBOOK. Don't forget to "like"!
Get the Epic first album by Iron Thones...
I was just searching for new stuff and I stumbled upon the bandcamp page for one of my favorite bands of the year Iron Thrones. They are offering their debut album of epicness called "Visions of Light" for "Choose Your Own Price" If your broke like me you can get it absolutely FREE. If your a fan of music or metal GET IT NOW. For fans of progressive rock, metal.
Xuman Confuses Me
So I saw this video thats labeled as Xuman - "Panic" which you can watch below. Then when I visit the "Bands" myspace I find out that its a record company? The issue that I'm having is none of the songs on their myspace page are labeled AT ALL. Seriously, look. These bands all sound similar but are obviously different? Its so confusing. I'm sure if I did a little more research I could find a definitive answer... but why do I need to do that?! Seriously, I went to 4 sites and couldn't figure it out.
The video below is pretty awesome. Watch the entire thing. theres also a alternative ending that you can see HERE.
Khors - "Sacrament of Buyan" New Song
Black metal is a genre that I've been getting into lately.I'm not sure if its because it shares qualities of the more progressive metals musically but bands like Ghost and Dark Fortress are amazing. These guys are no different. and they've just released an album called "Return To Abandoned". You can here the new song below and you can visit THIS LINK for more information.
Summer Camp - a group that you should know about.
There is a definite theme in the videos for the band Summer Camp. The band it seems is very reclusive. I've found one good article on them at THIS LOCATION. They have a very 80's sound. Its just a guy and a girl and they both share vocal duty. The music is addictive. They recently released the "Young" EP which features 6 songs. I highly recommend this band.
EL GUINCHO - "Bombay" NSFW 18 and older please!!!!
This video is like a compilation of terrible movie clips that I'm assuming the producer for this band compiled himself. The song its self is really good. Its got a happy feel to it thats almost inspiring. This video contains nudity... lots of nudity. You've been warned. If you want to hear more by the band go HERE
North Korea - "Master Plan B" Liveish Video
Want to here music by a band featuring members of Dillinger Escape Plan and Envy On The Coast?? Yeah you do. I wish the sound quality was better but I like the song. It looks like it would be a fun one to play if I knew how. Good rock music!
The Decemberists - "The King Is Dead" Album Review.
They're people in this world who have no problem fighting for a band's honor. There isn't another band who has fans quite like The Decemeberists. Which is quite fitting for a band with a very mundane sound. Well, mundane might not be the best way to describe it.The bands sound isn't boring. I guess what I'm trying to convey is that the bands sound is mediocre. Nothing strikes me as interesting in the slightest. So how does that effect the new album? Well not so well.

I'm a big fan of the acoustic guitar. It using it has the potential to give your music a really unique sound. That's not the case here. The guitar in fact might blend too well with the music. Maybe that was by design, but it that's the case they should have made that a more uniform decision. Which brings me to my biggest complaint about this album. I can't decide if its more country sounding or more Irish sounding. I feel like you could transplant the vocalist with a drunken Irishman and get a better effect.
Not everything is bad. The song "January Hymn" is really good. Its perhaps the most unique song on the album. It would have been great if more of them had that similar sound. The song "This Is Why We Fight" has a very epic sound to it. I could see it used in any western during a griping montage. Its also the only song that I remember hearing an electric guitar and it adds a lot to the sound. The album also has one of the most fitting end tracks I've heard on an album this year. Seriously, if you listen to the album do it in one sitting and the ending will making a lot more sense in context.
"The King Is Dead" is an album that just didn't do much for me personally. Its an interesting album with a lot of elements that I feel would be better suited to other listeners. I almost feel like I shouldn't rate the album because of this fact. Its not fair for me to put a number on something that in another time I could like. So "The King is Dead" gets a insert your own number here out of 5.
Track list:
1. "Don't Carry It All"
2. "Calamity Song"
3. "Rise to Me"
4. "Rox in the Box"
5. "January Hymn"
6. "Down by the Water"
7. "All Arise!"
8. "June Hymn"
9. "This Is Why We Fight"
10. "Dear Avery"
"Down By The Water"
"January Hymn"
Top Non Metal Albums of 2010. Part 1
I decided to not go for a numbered list this time. I like a lot of these albums the same and it would be really hard to choose which album should go where. So in no particular order...

I think I've listened to this 2 song ep more than anything else this year. I love this band some much and I can't wait until their full length album. The songs are haunting and beautiful. The vocals are beautiful and atmospheric. Master songwriting from a band that deserves to be at the top of every one's list. If you're interested in learning more about Memoryhouse you can go HERE
Chromeo - "Business Casual"
This should have been a band that I absolutely hated, but because they do what they do so well I was instantly a fan. Chromeo blend hip hop elements with a pop flair that is golden. This band is going to be huge. I wouldn't be surprised if they took off in 2011. The video for "Hot Mess" might be my favorite video of the year. If you listen to anything on this list check out Chromeo.

This album is a compilation of artist making sweet sweet music. The music was done by the people who got top credits but the vocals are done by a whole mess of talented people. It ranges from Gruff Rhys to David Lynch. Each song has its own flare and matches the singers voices very well. Its a shame this album wasn't as huge as it should have been this year.

Ben Folds & Nick Hornby - "Lonely Avenue"
Truly a return to form for Folds who has had something of an identity crisis musically for a couple years now. The lyrics were written by author Hornby who has penned books like "High Fidelity". There's something to be said about a man who's great at writing music gets to just do that. They also did a collaboration with the Internet group Pomplamoose on an original track. Doesn't get any better than that!

If I had to pick a number 2 this would be it. I could listen to this album 10 times in a row and not get tired of it. Its one of those albums where you can listen to it and find a new favorite song each time. The blend of male and female vocals has never been done better and their voices compliment each others so well. Songs flow well and never sick around too long. "Big Jet Plane" is one of my favorite songs of the year.

Sleigh Bells - "Treats"
This album has grown on me. Its just two people and some damn catchy songs. This is the most surprising entry on the list for me. Some of these songs have 'Brandon Hate" all over them but I can listen to this album without ever getting angry... which is a good thing. I'm interested to see if this band keeps releasing material in the coming years and I wonder what the impact will be on the market. Check out "Infinity Guitars" easily one of my top favorite songs.
Top 10 metal albums of 2010 - Complete list.

2010 was a interesting year for my development into the metal genre. My tastes changed a lot this year with my recent exploration into progressive metal and rock music. I still love some brutal death metal and don't mind the occasional metalcore album, but I've lost my infatuation with deathcore which is a good thing. So what does all of that mean for my over all picks this year... well for starters its not nearly as heavy as previous years. More of the bands are going to be unknown or not as widely known. The music quality is going up, oh and I'm getting older so that might be a big change as well.
Its very important that you understand that this isn't a debate. These are my top ten picks. You may disagree and that's OK. Just remember that we love metal together, as metal heads we should back support our peers even if you don't agree with what they deem is good. So for this list and all lists to come after it, use it as an informative piece and don't trash the writers opinions.
10. The Acacia Strain - "Wormwood"
To the untrained listener "Wormwood" would be, without a doubt, the heaviest album on my list. Its also the only deathcore band I'll list. With the sea of deathcore albums released in 2010 this one stands above the rest as a true testament of the staying power of bands that founded the genre. "Wormwood" just relentlessly beats the heavy into your head. Its not the "play as fast as you can" deathcore that has flooded the market. This album is at times slow and methodical. I got a lot of playtime out of this record this year so I felt it deserved to be on the list.
"The Impaler"
9. TesseracT - "Concealing Fate EP"
The only EP on my list, and its amazing that an EP made the list in the first place. "Concealing Fate" is one of the best progressive metal albums I've heard. This band has big things coming to them in the future if they stay on the path they are on now. Being an EP the album isn't very long, clocking in at around 30 minutes, but for what they miss in quantity they make up for with the utmost quality. Out of all of the progressive metal albums on my list these guys display the most skill with their instruments. I'm looking forward to TesseracT's debut next year!
8. The Chariot - "Long Live"
I never really thought much of The Chariot before this years "Long Live". I always felt that the albums were just a bunch of noise. To be fair is probably still is noise, but now a more structured, controlled noise. "Long Live" is also the most diverse of all The Chariot albums adding different musical instruments as well as utilizing guest vocalist who don't scream. This is the only post hardcore album on my list and it was a toss up between this and a lesser known outfit called Reno but I feel that The Chariot really brought a lot to the table with this album and should be recognized for the effort.
"Andy Sundwall"
7. Journal - "Unlorja"
If your a fan of metal you really need to hear "Unlorja". This album is completely nuts. Whats even more crazy is this band self released "Unlorja" and they are still unsigned. Its only a matter of time before they do get signed and have money to make a label release which I can only imagine will be one of the greatest mathcore albums ever released. These guys made due with what resources they had and that's why "Unlorja" is on my list. If I had a most deserving list they would be number 1!!!
"Labyrinth of Betrayal"
6. The Ocean - "Heliocentric" and "Anthropocentric"

The Ocean released two albums this year so its not cheating to put both of them as number 6. If I had to choose one of them I would choose "Anthropocentric" but this is my list damnit! There were going to be stark differences between the two albums as far as heaviness goes but I can't really tell a difference. Both albums are top notch progressive metal with light and heavy elements. The first record "Heliocentric" was definitely the risk taker of the two. It had some lite elements that the other did not. Both are good enough for their own spots. I'm glad I did it this way because now I get to post two songs!
"Heliocentric" - "The First Commandment of the Luminaries"
"Anthropocentric" - "She Was The Universe"
5. Periphery - "Periphery"
If I could see any band right now it would be Periphery. From what I understand they put on one hell of a show. I struggle where to put this on the list. The music is so good but the vocals are lacking in areas, which is not the case when seeing them live. I REALLY WANT TO SEE THEM LIVE! The songs on this album are unique in that they are super catchy. They use a great blend of screaming and singing vocals that work for the most part. The real draw here is the excellent guitar work. Its like listening to Fall of Troy and actually being able to stand more than one song. This also might be the most accessible of all of the progressive bands that I will post.
Annihilator - Self Titled.

"The Trend"
Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy.

"Without Morals"
"Termination Proclamation"
Dååth - "Dååth"
Iron Thrones - "The Wretched Sun"
I've been going back and forth for the number 2 slot since I started planing this. There are several albums I wanted to list but just didn't cut it, and then I thought "maybe I could do 2 album's a number" but that's just stupid. None of this is important but I want you to understand what I mean when I say this was a tough choice.

I'm looking forward to more releases from Iron Thrones in the coming years. I'm sure its just a matter of time before they do sign with a label and when they do lets hope that they get the deal they deserve and the creative control they deserve.
Iron Thrones - "Like a Moth to Flame"
Iron Thrones - "Against the Grain"
The Contortionist - "Exoplanet"
From the moment I started playing the song "Flourish" from The Contortionist's label debut I knew I was going to love the band. I just didn't know how much I would like the music. To the untrained ear Iron Thrones may sound like the same band and its true their styles are very similar. Both progressive metal, both use heavy and light elements, Both structure their songs very well. The Contortionist just do it in a much better way.

The album is a concept album with heavy sci fi influences. It also borrows tracks from the bands self released effort "Apparition" an album in which the band had a different singer. The new singer rewrote the lyrics for the songs they used to make them his own but also to improve and give flare to the already excellent songs. He also wanted the songs to fit better in a live setting. Which from what I've read and heard over the interwebs is a great show.
This album is more than deserving to be at the top spot. If you've not given this album a listen, then just go buy it. Seriously, don't even listen to it, just buy it. Its so good it would be impossible for you to disagree.
The Contortionist - "Flourish"
The Contortionist - "Contact"
The Contortionist - "Axiom"
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I can understand loving songs so much you sing to them in your car or in the shower or whatever but you have to upload them on the internet for people to tell you that you suck...ugh.. just..........please do the world a favor and stop...making.....................these horrible videos.... And why do these people insist on singing/screaming into a microphone that ISN'T PLUGGED IN or give some lame excuse like they have been sick or something like it's going to make me be like "OH MY DEAR LANTA YOU WERE SICK WHEN YOU RECORDED THIS VIDEO?!?! YOU MUST BE AMMMMMMMMMMAAAZING WHEN YOU AREN'T SICK!!!!!!! POST MORE POST MORE POST MORE POST MORE!!!!!!!!!!!" blah blah blah. The last video is my favorite because i feel like it is every band from Columbia South Carolina that thinks they are the shit and wants everyone to listen to their god awful cover band. Man i give props to the drummer ESPECIALLY since you can't hear a damn thing he is playing. Enjoy????????????????????? maybe????a little bit???????? ok no.. you won't enjoy this but it might make you laugh... a lot...
Beck - The Golden Age
By no means am I a Beck fan but this song is awesome. Not a whole lot to say other than that. Enjoy.
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