Saturday, December 4, 2010
Moths - "Seacoal" New Video
Here's a video by the band Moths, not to be confused with the indie band from the early 2000 MOTH or the 80's band The Moths. The sound of their music is dream pop meets indie rock/pop. Vocal styling is very reminiscent of Snow Patrol. Its a good song, I'm not sure if its uplifting or just depressing. You can make the judgments. Enjoy the video for "Seacoal"
Friday, December 3, 2010
Who should get the pizza?!
This made me lol out loud. I love the attention they gave the voices. They aren't spot on but they did a great job with them. If you like what you see you can go HERE for more funny content.
Noah and the Whale - "L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N."
Noah and the Whale have released this new song today. Its from their upcoming album "Last Night ON Earth" due out March of next year. "L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N." is streaming below and you can follow the link to listen to the song "Wild Thing".
Noah And The Whale - L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N by ListenBeforeYouBuy
Dylan LeBlanc - "Low" New Song and Download
Honestly this song ventures a little too far into the country genre for my personal tastes. Its not a bad song though. Country is a lyrical median and the lyrics of this song seem to share those of the musical style is emulates. Check out the song "Low" and enter your email to download the song if you feel so inclined.
British Sea Power - "Living Is So Easy" New Video
Heres the new video from in my opinion one of the oddest bands I've come across. Their music isn't very odd and the band members don't particularly stand out. Their music is where the odd starts. Most recently they released "Man Of Aran" which is their take on a new soundtrack for the movie of the same name. See, odd. The song is most definitely good and catchy and all of that good stuff. This song comes off of "Valhalla Dancehall" due out in January 2011.
Cee Lo Green - "Its Ok" New Video!!!!
My favorite song on the new album 'The Lady Killer" got its very own video!!!! This song is so uplifting. If you've not heard it yet DO IT NOW!!!!!! If the video link breaks just click on the video to view it on the youtube!
Feist - Songs from Live DVD
Feist is releasing a DVD on Dec. 7th and you can here 4 live songs from it below. The DVD which is part documentary part live performance is the first for Feist. The audio quality of these songs is top notch and Feist never disappoints with her vocal style. Listen to the live songs below...
Binary Code Cover STP song.
Anyone want to hear a completely uninspired cover of Stone Temple Pilots - "Wicked Garden"? I guess it isn't a bad cover. It just doesn't really leave its own mark. A cover should have its own unique quality and this one just doesn't to me. If you want to know more about this cover go HERE. Use the player to hear the song below!
The Damned Things - "We've Got A Situation Here" New Video
This might be the video of the year for me. Its freaking awesomely awesome in every way. I think it shows us that The Damned Things aren't going to try and be this super serious super group. The song is great, their video is great. Now we just need the damn album! The Damn Things are a super group comprised of members of Every Time I Die, Fall Out Boy, and Scott Ian for Anthrax. Their album will be out later this month!
Brett Domino - "Hello Mistletoe (Goodbye Cold Snow)"
With the holiday season rapidly approaching its hard to get away from the Christmas music, but what if there was Christmas music that you could actually like? Well here it is, enjoy! No need to thank me its all for you!
And then there was that time that Deerhunter played Conan...
...and it sounded a lot like this. Deerhunter released Halcyon Digest this year and if you want to read my review go HERE! Enjoy Deerhunters, "Helicopter".
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Two years ago I stumbled into a small music venue in Columbia with a friend, and was pleasantly surprised by what I found there. I knew nothing about the headlining band, and honestly wasn't expecting very much of the evening... I waited for the normal screeching guitar and the eye-lined, "tween" jean-wearing musicians to start screaming about their daddy issues. Much to my surprise, the eight sensibly dressed members began to adorn the stage with brass instruments, several floor toms, and an assortment of auxiliary percussion goodies. Anathallo produced a sound that is refreshing, soothing, and on a more personal note, inspirational. Though they are no longer recording new material together, their "oldies" will always be "goodies" and should be appreciated as such. Posted are the music video for "Bells" and a live performance of "Kasa no Hone". Enjoy!
Those Dancing Days - "Fuckarias"
Girls rocking out man. Thats always a good thing. This song comes from their yet untitled sophomore album coming in March of 2011.
Steven Seagal - Girl It's Alright
I love this man. He literally can do anything. More people need to listen to his amazingness. If you are a female I will warn the end of the song you will definitely be pregnant so be careful...Enjoy.
Nicolas best actor ever Cage- KILLING ME WON'T BRING BACK YOUR G*$ D@MN HONEY!!
There is no real point to this post other than the fact that I find it hilarious. Nicolas Cage this is for you..find a new profession.. thank you Kerry for this one.
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - "2000 miles" New Video
Been a long while since I heard anything from the Bosstones. They sound relatively the same, though its hard to tell considering this is a cheesy Christmas song. Not sure what it is with everyone making xmas singles this year. Maybe this always happens and I just never realized it.
New song from Times of Grace: featuring Jessie Leech and Adam Dutkiewicz
The band is called Times of Grace which sounds like a Christan praise band to me. The song is “Strength In Numbers” and it sounds like Killswitch Engage. Sorry guys, nice try but your gonna have to try harder than this. I'm looking forward to the album next year. Its nice to here Leech not singing like a fairy.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger - "Schroedinger's Cat"
New song by Sean Lennon's New Band. Sean did a guest spot on a Soulfly album back in the day and I always wondered why he didn't have much work. I guess if your dad's who his is you would have problems making stuff. This song is really good though. I like the harmonizing vocals. The male and the female vocals blend very well.
Now, Now - "Neighbors" EP Stream
The folks over at Filter are streaming the album on there site HERE or you can listen to it below here. I've not listened to the entire album yet but I was digging the first couple songs. The members of the band are currently working on their debut LP due out in 2011.
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart – “The One” New Song.
This song comes off the bands forthcoming album "Belong" which is due out in March of 2011. Great song, its sounds familiar, not like I've heard it before but I feels familiar like a song I've been listening to forever. Does that make any sense? Oh well, enjoy "The One" .
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart- The One (side B) by Anorak London
The Dears - "Blood" New Song
The Dears have posted a new song in support of their upcoming effort "Degeneration Street" due out early next year. The song is decent enough to post but doesn't really hit me like previous songs did. I hope they release more so I can have a reason to be excited about the new album.
We Came As Romans - To Plant A Seed
You might be asking yourself why this kid is raising his hand in this picture. I'll tell you why! Because someone just asked the entire band, "who is the kid that is singing horribly and ruining this band's sound and making me never want to listen to your band again?". He is clearly saying "PICK ME, PICK ME!!" Bands like this are ruining metal for me. I don't understand why this hasn't died yet but it hasn't. This song starts off great and whenever that stupid kid isn't singing the song actually sounds great. The video is even pretty cool until that little punk starts singing then it suddenly turns into an Aaron Carter music video. Try to Enjoy.
Blue Foundation - Stained
Really great song. If you like bands like Mew then you will love this band. Awesome song just wish there was a good video to go with this is the best I got. Enjoy
The Veils - Vicious Traditions
Ever watched a movie and been like what the hell is this song? I love it! Well that's exactly what I did when I watched the movie Mr. Brooks a couple years ago. The movie is pretty good I guess but it has pretty climatic ending and it just so happens that when the movie is coming to an end this is the song that is playing and I don't think they could have picked a better song personally. It'll give you chills watching it so I definitely recommend watching it. But screw the movie and listen to this awesome song. It starts out pretty slow but give it a chance. Has a big Radiohead feel to it as well. Enjoy.
The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition
This song will get stuck in your head if you aren't careful. Not going to lie, I have listened to this song probably 5 or more times in a row before and had it stuck in my head for days. Oh and you probably aren't going to be able to understand a lot of what this guy is singing but this song is amazing. Damn this song is good. Great video as well. Enjoy.
The Album Leaf - On Your Way
This is an older song by The Album Leaf. Definitely very chill. If you aren't in the mood for something kinda slow and chill I wouldn't recommend it but is awesome when the time is right. They also have some newer stuff that sounds pretty good and I'm sure i'll be posting more from them at a later date. Enjoy.
Yeasayer - Ambling Alp
You might ask yourself "What the fuck am I watching? But that's ok because I did the same thing. This song has a weird 80's feel to it. Most of you probably aren't going to like this but that's ok watch it anyways. Enjoy.
Kings of Convenience/ Whitest Boy Alive
Corey Taylor - "X-M@$" NSFW!!!
Corey Taylor of Stone Sour and Slipknot fame has posted his Christmas song. Its interesting to say the least. Its very Taylor though, cursing and all! You can hear it below...
Heavy Metal Power House! Lamb of God - "As the Palaces Burn"
Is it even possible to like heavy music and to not have liked Lamb of God? Easily one of the best bands to come out of the new wave of American metal Released in 2003, "As the Palaces Burn" is still viable today even though Lamb of God get pushed in the metalcore sub genre. The guitar riffs on the album are arguably the best they've released before and since. Randy Blythe's vocal work is among his best and I think he found his stride when recording the album. Its almost a non-stop adrenaline rush as your hit with countless heavy songs, until the last song "Vigil" which starts out somber and gradually gets brutal. The constant barrage of heavy never gets overwhelming, it only leaves you wondering what insanity you'll hear next. Break downs were growing in popularity during the early 2000's and this album has some of the best. The song "11th Hour" is not only one of my favorite metal songs of all time, but it had one of my favorite breakdowns off all time. Unapologetically heavy "As the Palaces Burn" is perfect for the Heavy Metal Power House!
"11th Hour"
"As the Palaces Burn"
Vital - "Saying"
I really like this song. I feel like it really shows off the potential that pop music has. I think a lot of times we settle for lesser things because we don't know whats out there. Well this is, and this is good. I love the vocals and I'm a fan of the music. Its the total package. If you like it as much as I did or just want more information and to hear more songs by Vital go HERE! He also has a download of his EP. I encourage you to check out his site, we need to support guys like this!
Black Eyed Pea's - "The Beginning" Review
A tip for those of you who want to review or currently review music, "If you listen to something enough IT WILL GROW ON YOU". You can argue that the music your doing in the review is good or at least decent. That's probably not going to be the case. So stick to a couple of play trough's before you review instead of thinking that maybe this will be the time. You learn the beats and the lyrics and it gets stuck in your head not unlike a disease. I can attest to this, as I'm currently listening to the song "Fashion Show" on this BEP album and I'm not cringing like I should be. So what do I think of "The Beginning"??
1. Songs are really catchy - I already talked about this a little, but these songs seriously will haunt your dreams. You'll find yourself humming tunes very early on in the listening of the album. That says a lot for the people who made the mixes. They borrow a lot from other artist including Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes the singers of the "Dirty Dancing" song "(I've Had) The Time of My Life" and Slick Rick with "Children's Story". I'm generally not a fan of sampling though I know its a major player in the rap industry.
2. Length - The Beginning doesn't drag on like most rap albums. It sticks with a more traditional format of 12 songs for the regular version of the album. I really liked not having a ton of stupid skits and interludes which beings me to my next like.
3. Few pointless talking sections - What do I mean. Every fucking rap album ever has some stupid skit or a guy talking some sort of trash. There is some of that in "The Beginning" but not enough to annoy those who hate those things.
1. Lyrics - Terrible Terrible Terrible. Why can't there be a rap album where I don't feel like I have to be an idiot to understand what people are talking about. I've heard all of these lyrics have been heard before. Even in the first song a guy rap's "All these girls they like my swagger, they be calling me Mick Jagger" REALLY???? Thats on a Kesha song dood. That was released this year. I hate pop and I know that. Then you get your standard rap fare with typical lines that every rap record ever has. Typical saying they are awesome type stuff with the occasional low voice thing that Ludacris started.
2. AUTO TUNE - People, for the love of GOD. Can we cool it with the auto tune. Wil I am can actually sing and he NEVER does without the auto tune. None of them sing without the aid of the auto tune. Fergie is the only one who uses her "natural" voice. I don't get a shit if you can't sing. Don't lie! Also, when you use auto tune it makes things sound like you recorded the line once and looped it. Which is what I'm sure they did on the album.
3. Fergie - Fergie is a good vocalist. She commands her voice. I have no real beef with her voice. What I have a issue with are the things she says during songs.
"Enchantée, comment allez vous? TrÚs bien, merci. Et vous? Super good, super nice. Salt and pepper, Sugar and spice. Space sugar case to the moon let's go. Coco Chanel, Maralyn Munro.Cat walk, Fashion show. Runway, Fashion show. Tall man, Radio, G6, I don't know."I don't know about you but to me that's terrible to read much less here her do in a fo-French accent. Anytime she strays from her original voice is really hurts the production.
Writer - "Miss Mermaid" New Song
This song reminds me a lot of the doves. I love the way the vocals sound. Like hes underwater. The beat is very easily assessable. Its a bob your head type of sound. I'll be looking forward to the new album. "Miss Mermaid" comes from Writers forthcoming album "Brotherface" due out early next year.
Humangled - "Liquidfire" New Video
These are the kinda songs I love. This song is insane, the vocals are way over the top while the music tends to stay on a more progressive side. Its a great song, and the video is a great addition to it. "Liquidfire" comes off of "Fractal" which was released earlier this year.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
PJ Harvey - "Written on the Forehead" New Song
Can't say I'm a fan or have ever listened to PJ Harvey. Based on this new song I don't think I ever will. It honestly sounds like a jumbled mix of different songs. I think I understand what she was going for though. You can check out the song for yourself below. PJ Harvey will release "Let England Shake" in February 2011.
Bullet For My Valentine - "Bittersweet Memories" New Video
"Bittersweet Memories" is the second video in support of the third album by Bullet For My Valentine called "Fever". "Fever" was a commercial success, but ultimately a throw away album for myself. I really liked their two previous efforts. This one just didn't seem to connect. You can view the video below...
Q Magazine's Top 50 Albums of 2010
This top 50 list is really interesting. Mainly because Brandon Flowers made the list at number 30. I hated that album, I deleted it the second I was done listening to it. Of course Arcade Fire are at number one. I like Arcade Fire don't get me wrong, but are they really worth a top spot out of all the albums this year? I guess some people believe that to be so. The most interesting element to this list was the inclusion of Robert Plant at number 2. I don't disagree, I've not heard the album. Its just an odd entry and one I don't think I'll see again so far up on a list. Might have to check that album out!
1. Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
2. Robert Plant - Band of Joy
3. Plan B - The Defamation of Strickland Banks
4. Laura Marling - I Speak Because I Can
5. Vampire Weekend - Contra
6. John Grant - Queen of Denmark
7. Gorillaz - Plastic Beach
8. The National - High Violet
9. Paul Weller - Wake Up the Nation
10. MGMT - Congratulations
Plan B - "She Said"
John Grant (feat. Midlake) - "I Wanna Go To Marz"
NME's Top Albums of 2010
NME has released their top 75 albums of the year list and all I have to say is... "OK?". This list doesn't really do it for me. Especially with Arcade Fire at 2? I didn't think Suburbs was number 2 good. There are some decent positions in this list, and its pretty interesting. You can view the full list HERE.
1. These New Puritans - 'Hidden'
2. Arcade Fire - 'The Suburbs'
3. Beach House - 'Teen Dream'
4. LCD Soundsystem - 'This Is Happening'
5. Laura Marling - 'I Speak Because I Can'
6. Foals - 'Total Life Forever'
7. Zola Jesus - 'Stridulum II'
8. Salem - 'King Night'
9. Liars - 'Sisterworld'
10. The Drums - 'The Drums
These New Puritans - "Hologram"
Beach House - "Walk in the Park"
The Golden Filter - "White Nights" Song
Gorilla Vs. Bear premiered this new song front The Golden Filer. I know I just bitched about posting Christmas stuff. I just couldn't deny this song. I love the sound of it. Maybe this is what I needed to get me in the spirit in November? Doubtful.
Pomplamoose - "Deck the Halls"
Its that time of year, and even though I've been trying my best to get away from it, everyone keeps reminding me that Christmas is just around the corner. So what does Christmas mean? Carol's and Christmas songs of course. I've had many opportunities to upload Christmas songs, but have chosen not to do so. Well the new Pomplamoose song is out and I have to share it because I love them, Christmas song or not. I like the song and I like where the went with it. I'm more partial to the one they did last year "Always In The Season". Well enjoy "Deck the Halls" and check out some of their other works.
Chiodos - "Caves" New Video
Not many of you know this I'm sure but I was a fan of the new album by Chiodos. It was really the first time I enjoyed their music. So I was looking forward to a video from any song. I'm glad they chose "Caves". This song really sum's up the experience of listening to "Illuminauidos". Hope you enjoy!
30 Seconds to Mars - "Hurricane" New Video
30 Seconds To Mars just released the new video for "Hurricane" which clocks in at an astounding 13:11 of boring. Of course I know that 30 Seconds To Mars is an "It" band and Jared Leto can do not wrong. I'm just not sure what they were trying to accomplish here. Seems to me its like the whole Kanye releasing a super long video earlier this month. Long video's just don't really work since "Thriller" and even that was an old one out. I should mention that this video was official banned from being played on UK television. So there might be some imagery you don't agree with in the video. You can view it below.
Decibel's Top 40 of 2010
Decibel Magazine released their top 40 albums to 2010. Decibel is a metal magazine so you might not recognize a few on the list. I got to say I'm not really suprised that Enslaved and Triptykon were so far up on the list. The album that Enslaved released and the EP that Tripykon released are both black metal which leads me to believe maybe that's where the industry is going. I recently found that I can tolerate some black metal, so I guess that's good for me. All in all the list is interesting and worth checking out.
10 The Austerity Program – "Backsliders and Apostates Will Burn"
09 Nails – "Unsilent Death"
08 Thou – "Summit"
07 Ludicra – "The Tenant"
06 Torche – "Songs for Singles"
05 Enslaved – "Axioma Ethica Odini"
04 Dawnbringer – "Nucleus"
03 Triptykon – "Eparistera Daimones"
02 Watain – "Lawless Darkness"
01 Agalloch – "Marrow of the Spirit"
Enslaved - "The Beacon"
Triptkon - "Descendant"
Agalloch - "The Watcher's Monolith"
Architects (UK) - “Day In Day Out” Video
Alt Press released the new video from Architects today. The song is off their album coming out in January of 2011 called "The Here And Now". I've been reading a lot about these guys and I have to say I'm disappointed. I can think of ten bands off the top of my head that sound like this. Its rocking, don't get me wrong, its just not a very original sound. Maybe in the UK they haven't heard music like this. Check out “Day In Day Out” below and visit Alt Press, they have a pretty decent site.
The Holidays - "Post Paradise" Review
Just the other day I posted a video by The Holidays for their single "Broken Bones" and I said that I may review it. Well here it is, in all of its glory. Contain your excitement please.
If I was going to say anything negative about the album its that some times the album feels like its going on for longer than it should. Some parts are needlessly repetitive, which can be considered as lazy song writing. Also some of the intros to the songs take too long. "6AM" in particular had this problem and it was my favorite song on the album.
All in all The Holidays provided us with some good solid material, even if it wasn't the most original sound.
"Post Paradise" gets 3.5 Mourning Jackets out of 5
01. Heavy Feathers 04:03
02. Moonlight Hours 03:36
03. Days 03:11
04. 6AM 04:53
05. Golden Sky 04:23
06. Broken Bones 03:53
07. Indian Summer Anniversary 03:35
08. Conga 03:55
09. Slimeface 04:29
10. A Million Eyes 04:08
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