and man it was super boring. Every time I see Cory Taylor he looks more and more tame.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Cavalera Conspiracy make music that sounds like Soulfly and stream it.
To be honest the difference's in the two bands are pretty numerous so I'm only making that generalization because of the vocals and not the music. I like the song but I honestly don't think the rest of the album will have the staying power that the first one did. I guess we will see March 28th when the album is released.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Bunny The Bear
Everything about this band makes me laugh. Not really in a good way. I mean watch this video... what the crap is this? All the music is lame at best... and what are the vocals doing in this song? barf. such a boring song... ENJOY!!
Thank Jesus finally something from one of my favorite bands out right now. It seems that they finally figured out that clean vocals can work if you don't make them sound terrible. This is a much more organic sound than the last album 'Dichotomy' which is my favorite. This album is sure going to be awesome, and for you Christians this band are professed and active Christians. For you non's who cares aways its good much! So without further stupidity here is 'The Magnetic Sky'
The Get Up Kids get 'Automatic' with new video... HA
Yeah I'm a loser and this is a new video from the band get up kids that one might think it super boring and simple but I feel is kinda fitting for the song. Its just a car going through a carwash which for me is a cool but yet uneasy feeling and I feel like they capture that well in the video, as well as the beauty in it all.
I've not posted a Dream Pop song in the past couple days.
I might be getting out of the genre or just haven't found anything until now. This is the song 'Firestarter' by Blouse. Its pretty standard dream pop fair but it hits the right spots. I thought it might be a good way to kinda break up all the heavy posts today. Go HERE for more info on the song and artisit.
Are you awake yet? Have some more metal.
This is Rotten Sounds new video for the song 'Hollow'. Its a great song match with a stellar video. Don't believe me just watch it below. If you want to check out what Decidel thinks about it you should check out their short article on the video. They write better than I do anyways. 'Hollow' kinda makes me wish that Messuggahh album would hurry up and release!
All Hail the Yeti catch me on a good day with the video for 'Suicide Woods'
There are a literal ton of bands just like All Hail The Yeti but I'm digging on this new video/song. Just kinda takes me back and sometimes thats enough. The 'Fee Fi Foe Fumm I smell the blood of everyone" made me laugh lol out loud! The styles very much Every Time I Die but with the vocals of Hatebreed.
BLEEDING FIST try to beat some Black Metal into ya!
Bleeding Fist just sounds awesome. Too bad the band probably worships Satan and all that crap. The get ups they are wearing in the video are a bit much too. I suspect they have names like "Luggs" and "Maggotrot" sigh. Decent enough song for me to post though. Enjoy 'Monuments Desecration'
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Emmure - "Speaker of the Dead' Album review.
I remember the day I 'found' Emmure. I was surfing the net and was looking through the Victory Records site and came across the song '10 Signs You Should Leave' and I thought it was the best thing ever. That album, 'Goodbye To The Gallows'. is still the benchmark for many deathcore albums and for good reason. Then came the album 'The Respect Issue' and while I think its decent, comparatively to their other stuff it was bland and repetitive. Most recently the band released the album 'Felony' which didn't have the staying power that the previous two had but was sonically a powerful album. "Speaker of the Dead is the new effort from Emmure and I'm mixed again, but not mixed like I normally am. Normally I'm mixed on the quality of the music and since I normally give vocals some lea-weigh since I don't care about them, it doesn't work like that for Emmure. I can understand almost every word of these songs and that's not a good thing. SO, does the silly lyric writing ruin and otherwise great effort?

Not everything is good about the album. The drumming this time seems lazy and uneventful. It doesn't had too the music in the past. Almost like the drummers going through the motions. I swear he uses the same blast beat in almost every song. Hes a talented guy and I don't want to give you the idea that he's bad at what he does because hes certainly not. I just really expect progression when it comes to the drumming. The bass is also an after through, which is hardly surprising.
The last thing I want to address are the lyrics. I want to get one thing perfectly straight. I LOVE THE VOCALS. I tend not to name names when doing reviews because it makes it more personal but damn Frankie Palmeri is fucking sick. Even when hes not screaming he sounds like a bad ass. If I was to create the perfect metal singer his scream would be in there not doubt. Having said that he can't write lyrics to save his fucking life. Apparently he's getting dumped every album because the songs are all about a girl being a bitch, or cheating on him, its just not needed. There's a song on the album called 'Drug Dealer Friend' and I might be taking these lyrics out of context, but they are.
I want to watch you suck his dick. I know you fucking love it... BitchThe more and more I read the lyrics of the song I start to think its a little homosexual. Maybe thats what he was going for, but its just very silly and immature.
In summery if you want brutal, crushing metal with the lyrics of Dashboard confessional, then Emmure is your band. I personally love the band and I'm not ashamed to say it.
'Speaker of the Dead' gets 3.8 Credo's out of 5
'Area 64-66'
01. Children of Cybertron (1:34)
02. Area 64-66 (2:33)
03. Dogs Get Put Down (3:03)
04. Demons With Ryu (3:02)
05. Solar Flare Homicide (3:50)
06. Eulogy of Giants (1:52)
07. Bohemian Grove (3:23)
08. 4 Poisons 3 Words (2:57)
09. Cries of Credo (2:44)
10. Last Words To Rose (2:55)
11. A Voice From Below (1:58)
12. Drug Dealer Friend (2:38)
13. My Name Is Thanos (2:09)
14. Lights Bring Salvation (2:27)
15. Word of Intulo (1:15)
Monday, February 14, 2011
I kinda like this video and song and I'm not sure exactly why.
I guess its because it shows a real artist who might have really had a struggle with Trolls on the interwebs before. Its got an actual story even if its super short and kinda uneventful. The songs upbeat and happy. The songs called "Duh x 12' and its by The Hairs.So give it a try.
The Ocean has a new video out. Yes you should care.
Progressive metal god's The Ocean have yet to disappoint me with anything and the new video is no different. Theres something to just seeing live footage that isn't just a jumbled assortment of shows over a couple days or whatever. This controlled situation seems more organic to me. This is a really good song for a video as well. It showcases the best parts the band brings to the table. If you've not listened to their two newest albums released last year, then do it!
Someone needs to tell Mass Murder Agenda a couple things.
First things first guys. THIS IS FUCKING 2011... Nu Metal is dead guys. Choose one or the other. Secondly, this video isn't bad ass.... in fact Some of the 'effects' you used in your video are so painfuly bad that I spend more time laughing at the background or the stupid imagine that popped up than your shit music. This is the worst video/song I've heard in a while and I thank you for it. Thirdly, "Mass Murder Agenda' really? Did you want to sound like a band that toured with ICP? Wanker's!!!
I dare you not to laugh when this guy starts to sing.
Heathendom isn't just a stupid name, its also the stupid name of a band who really got off the mark on what singer they needed to accentuate their musical talent. This is the video for their new song 'The Symbolist' and the song itself isn't bad at all but everytime the singing opens his damn mouth it cracks me up.
Deadlock proves that they've showered at least once in their career.
Of course I'm joking they've prob showered twice. This new video for the song 'Virus Jones' Tries something a little different. Its clean... sleek. The girl singing doesn't sound like she a reject from an opera house. They display some impressive talent whilst playing their song. This being the first song I've heard of the band I can't comment on their normal fare, but I like this and so should you... YES YOU.
White Limo isn't just the new song by Foo Fighters...
It also starts Mr. Whore himself out Lemmy from motorhead. I really loved the video and the song. It reminds me a lot of mid 90's Foo's and not the serious that they kinda got into in their later years. Give it a watch below and don't forget to comment.
How about some new Amon Amarth?
Yeah. lets start the worst day every with some crazy fucking metal shall we?! Decibel actually debuted this song so I challenge you to go THERE to find out more information. I think the songs great. Its on of the best song's I've heard from the band. Which is crazy since Amarth has a new album drop every 2 months it seems. Here is 'Slavers of Fear'!
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