Thursday, February 24, 2011
More Live Mastodon
This songs called 'Ghost Of Karelia' and I feel it better shows Mastodon in a live situation. Less singing more prog rock. The DVD called 'Live At The Aragon' is out March 15th.
Soilwork - 'Let The River Flow' New Video
I love me some Soilwork. Well most of Soilwork. The newest album 'The Panic Broadcast' was definitely a return to form for the band and this is one of the tracks off that stellar album. Its a bit more low key than their stuff but its still heavy as hell. if you enjoy what you hear here, check out more on the band.
Sin Fang - 'Because Of The Blood' New Video
This guy was in the band Seabear, if you've ever listened to them. I think I may have once or twice. You can pick up the new album entitled Summer Echo's on March 15th.
Sin Fang - Because Of The Blood from Máni M. Sigfússon on Vimeo.
Destroyer - 'Kaputt' Album Review
Sometimes things are just plain weird. Its easy to dismiss things that are weird because of it being just that, but should we be so quick to dismiss something because its different than the norm? Most of the time I would agree with going against the grain, you never know what amazing stuff you would hear or see or experience when you don't stick to society's idea of normal. Its the same with music, it sometimes differs greatly than whats considered normal. Sometimes the weird isn't so loud you would realize it was even there and sometimes its balls out fucking nuts. Destroyers new album is somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Its not so weird that you would easily be turned off of the music but for those who actually pay attention to what we are listening to we will start to realize how weird 'Kaputt' really is. Does this make the album bad? In a word... 'No', but it does make it in a class of its own.

Not everything about the album works though. The lyrics are at times delivered in a way that can be distracting. That might be due to the part of the world that the lead singer is from or from the actual pinned lyrics but I found myself focusing on instances in which the lyrics don't seem to fit into the music at all. For me, this isn't a deal breaker but I'm not lyrically driven like the general population. Think of it like a sort of rap thats the whitest type of rap imaginable. This is really my only complaint about the record and again I don't believe that its so big that it jeopardizes the overall experience.
So whats the final verdict on 'Kaputt'? Its original, its good sonic-ally, there are memorable songs and they tend to stick in your head. So all in all Destroyer did a great job.
Destroyer's 'Kaputt' gets 4 Germans out of 5
01. Chinatown
02. Blue Eyes
03. Savage Night at the Opera
04. Suicide Demo for Kara Walker
05. Poor in Love
06. Kaputt
07. Downtown
08. Song for America
09. Bay of Pigs (Detail)
Greg Laswell - 'Take Everything'
This videos not new, but damn I love this guys voice. Something thats cool about posting material is you can post whatever the hell you want! I've not heard much from Greg Laswell that I wouldn't recommend to the general population. So you should check out his stuff.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Say Hi - 'Devils' I swear he's saying gerbils.
Just try and here it... hes saying gerbils not devils. Ok maybe not, but it made for a funny listen.
Say Hi - "Devils" Video from stereogum on Vimeo.
The Felix Culpa - 'Our Holy Ghosts' is a rock song
I believe it was yesterday that I was saying that I don't post very many rock songs on the site. Truth to be told I've never really been a fan of just plain old rock music. I've found it uninspiring and boring. This song didn't change any of that but I thought it was decent enough to post. For fans of Anberlin and bands like that.
Gruff Rhys - 'Sensations in the Dark'
If I could meet any artist in the world it would be Devin Townsend, if I had to choose a second it would be Gruff Rhys. I can't think of a better voice in indie music today. Hes weird and random and seemingly normal and thats what I love about him and his music. Super Furry Animals is one of my favorite bands of all time and will continue to be I'm sure.
Modest Mouse - 'Fly Trapped in a Jar' New Video
Does it sound like Modest Mouse is trying to go back to the sound that made them more popular? I dig the song and the video's pretty awesome. Its animated pretty well. Lots of pink... which can be a bit much on the eyes... until it turns blue. Enjoy the song.
FLY TRAPPED IN A JAR (AN ALIEN MUSICAL) [OFFICIAL] from The Saline Project on Vimeo.
FLY TRAPPED IN A JAR (AN ALIEN MUSICAL) [OFFICIAL] from The Saline Project on Vimeo.
Destory Rebuild Until God Shows - 'Sex Life' New Video
Ok...... ummmmm..... gross? I've been listening to the new album 'D.R.U.G.S' and I think I like it. Its so hard to for to decide with these bands who do the music for the masses thing. Its got some good stuff on it. Its easy to listen to. I've not analyzed it with great detail though so I'm sure there are things I hate. The song 'Sex life' makes total sense for a music video. I might have gone a different route but I can get behind the choice. It says the word 'Sex' so you know all the teenagers will be all over it.
BRAMS does there best Depeche Mode impression with 'Repeat It'
Sounds like this video was filed using iPhone's and surveillance cameras, which is cool. I like the song. Its a bit more electronic than I normally like but like I said in the title its very reminiscent of a Depeche Mode track and who doesn't like them?!
and then there was that time Destroyer played Fallon...
and it sounded a lot like this. I'm surprised with how well the music translates in a live setting. Kaputt is a weird album for sure. I'm still passing judgment on it, but you should check it out.
Pegazus - 'Haunting Me' is taken a bit too literally.
If I die before I'm 90 I'm definitely going to haunt someone and sing really bad metal at them.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Obscurus Lupa Presents
I watch a lot of movie reviews... maybe too much, but one of the reviewers that I watch needs more praise and recognition. Allison Pregler aka Lupa, is a truly funny reviewer. Not the highest quality video and audio but her talent more than makes up for the production. She has a format similar to other reviewers but the difference is her wit. Shes intelligent and that is translated without question throughout her videos. If you've never watched a retro movie review or a review of a bad movie, this is a great place to start. You can check out her newest review below or go to her page on That Guy With The Glasses. These videos take a time investment from the viewer but the entertainment value is as good as anything on the net.
Summer Camp - 'I want you' New Song
Summer Camp is a great band who's new album comes out later this year. This is one of the tracks off that album which is turning out to be a very special thing. For more information on the band and the release go to GvB.
The Damnwells - 'The Great Unknown'
Simplistic would be an understatement about this new video by the indie band. Not a bad song and while I don't feel the video is a waste it does seem a bit... odd, if only because of its lack to actual substance. The band has a new album coming March 15th so thats another album to put on the review list.
Darkest Hour 'Savor the Kill' New Video
Sometimes I don't get why there needs to be a story thats so fragmented in a video. Give us one or the other. good song, decent album.
The Haunted go a different direction.
I'm OK with poppy metal sometimes. It really depends on the band and their attitude but this caught me by surprise. The songs called 'Disappear' and its not a very Haunted type song. I knew when i heard stuff from the upcoming album 'Unseen' that it wasn't going to be the standard fare from the metal group, but this is completely out of their universe. Think of it like Arcade Fire writing a metal tune, or Kesha actually writing something that doesn't give you VD. I guess we will just have to wait for 'Unseen' later this year to really know whats going on.
Mastodon LIVE.
Hey the never claimed to be awesome in the vocal department. I guess thats what you get when your drummer whos doing crazy ass drumming sings and drums like that.... DRUM. Most of those people are mesmerized by the awesome music being pumped into their ears anyways.
Bibio - 'Excuses' gives me a seizure.
You might be keen to skip this one early on, honestly I was too but stick it out a bit to see if you're actually going to like the song. its an interesting video and the music is as well. I like the 8bit kinda sound.
Lykke Li - 'Wounded Rhymes' Album Stream
Its time to pass final judgement on Lykke Li's new album 'Wounded Rhymes' (I hate the name). Is this just more drivel by another girl wanting to be the next Lady GaGa or does the music have substance? You make you're choice.
Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes (Hype Machine Album Exclusive) by LykkeLi
Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes (Hype Machine Album Exclusive) by LykkeLi
Destruction says 'Hate Is My Fuel' and I agree.
This video is lame as crap but the songs metal as fuck. So I'm down with posting it. Its a bit Sworn Enemy kinda cheese but sometimes thats OK. If you don't know what I mean by Sworn Enemy you don't deserve to know. The bands new album entitled 'Day of Reckoning' was released on the 18th so get it.
The Kills - 'Satellite'
I think I tried out the Kills a couple years ago but it wasn't my thing. Time may have changed me or the band I'm not sure. I like how sluggish this song feels. It has weight, drama. It sounds determined, like its on a mission and it won't be stopped. I don't know, just watch the damn video.
Mogwai - 'Mexican Grand Prix'
Mogwai's new album 'Hardcore Will Never Die, but You Will' is a trip. One of the most fun albums I've heard so far this year. more progressive than straight rock. Mogwai can change direction at the drop of a hat and you barely notice because your so focused on what you're hearing. I recommend it for all tastes.
Parkway Drive kicks ass live. And then there was that time... You get the idea.
Here's the song 'Sleepwalker' preformed on the Daily Habit.
Yeasayer - 'I Remember'
I'm not sure why I'm drawn to this video. I'm not even sure of the symbolism of it all. I'm sure its got some deep seeded meaning, I just don't get it. I like the song though.
Wavves -'Horse Shoes'
I'm not sure how I feel about this new song. People are going crazy for Wavves though. Probably the second most popular band I see behind Best Coast.
We Are Enfant Terrible have 'Filthy Love
By far one of the funkiest songs I've posted on this site. Its best heard loud as hell. Put on some headphones and just immerse in the craziness.
We Are Enfant Terrible - Filthy Love from Last Gang Records on Vimeo.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Only Son 'Searchlight' has 100 tons of 90's fun
Seriously this song is like going back in time. It doesn't feel like a rip off of anyone and the sound is interesting and infectious. Looks like we have ourselves a winner!
Young Guns - 'Stitches' is a decent song.
I don't nearly post as much stock pop rock as much as I probably should, its so hard to find relievent stuff in the market thats been flooded with the likes of Nickelback for so long now. I'm digging on this song though. The band has a new album coming called 'All Our Kings Are Dead' at the end of March.
Black Iris featuring Best Coast
I swear Best Coast is taking over the world and we just don't know it yet. This video's is animated which gives it a star from me automatically but even more so its got a great sound. Sometimes I wish videos would leave the sound effects out but its not enough to take me out of the song.
Black Iris
News reports are that another new song will be released March 1st, so we have that to look forward to as well.
I can't believe I missed putting up a Smith Westerns video.
I've been super slack the past couple weeks and the reason was I was burnt the FUCK out. Believe it or not listening to so much music in a week can really effect you in a negative way. Its easy to dismiss more stuff if you've got other stuff on the mind... that doesn't make any sense?! Well my new aim is to be better about posting. This will really take form in two ways.
1. Sometimes there won't be pictures.
2. If I don't have shit to say then I'll just post the video/song.
Thanks and enjoy 'Weekend'!
Smith Westerns - Weekend from Fat Possum Records on Vimeo.
1. Sometimes there won't be pictures.
2. If I don't have shit to say then I'll just post the video/song.
Thanks and enjoy 'Weekend'!
Smith Westerns - Weekend from Fat Possum Records on Vimeo.
I really should do a Dream Pop themed post every day.
this band is called Echo Lake and the songs called 'Young Silence'. Enjoy
Echo Lake - Young Silence from Dan Nixon on Vimeo.
Echo Lake - Young Silence from Dan Nixon on Vimeo.
I tried really hard to like James Blake.
I really wanted to like James Blake and some of it I do like, but even for me its a bit odd. Maybe not odd but off. Hes definitely got a unique sound hes working on. This is one of those radio mixes that they used to do on the 'Open House Party' back in the day. His normal stuff is much more structured like true songs but I thought this one was interesting enough to post.
And here is the first official video
And here is the first official video
Little Scream posts Liveish video and its good!
I've dogged set ups like this in the past because of how fake they seem, but this one struck me in a different way. I love how intimate this video feels. Fullscreen it for the full effect but everything about this is good. The songs called 'The Heron and The Fox'.
Little Scream: "The Heron and The Fox" (live) from Secretly Jag on Vimeo.
This is a music/entertainment site so I guess i have to post the new Radiohead video.
I'm going to admit it now... I'm not a big Radiohead fan. I get that they've been super influential or whatever. Which is true. I love what they are doing with the distribution of their music. I love that they are anti record company. I'm just not a big fan of their catalog overall. So instead of being an elitist prick I'm gonna upload the video with the understanding that this band is amazing to some people.
NewVillager - 'Lighthouse' is crazy as hell.
I'm not sure I get it, but is that important? This video is weird as hell though.
NewVillager - "LightHouse" from stereogum on Vimeo.
NewVillager - "LightHouse" from stereogum on Vimeo.
Lykke Li – “Love Out Of Lust” Shes growing on me and I don't mean the herpes.
Lykke Li - Love Out Of Lust by LykkeLi
Yes the same girl who professes to be a prostitute is growing on even me. This is a pretty good song, even if I'm against the blatant sexualizedness of music, I can get behind a good song. Her album 'Wounded Rhymes' will be released next month. Lets just hope for more songs like this and less songs like 'Get Some'
Yes the same girl who professes to be a prostitute is growing on even me. This is a pretty good song, even if I'm against the blatant sexualizedness of music, I can get behind a good song. Her album 'Wounded Rhymes' will be released next month. Lets just hope for more songs like this and less songs like 'Get Some'
The Sandwiches release a new track and I contemplate how stupid that name is.
This song seriously sound like a reject from an Alanis Morissette album. I guess its not bad, just terribly underwhelming. You might be asking you're self why I'm posting it if I'm not a fan, well I do it to metal songs all the time. I figured I would switch it up a little. I know that people are going to like the songs that I don't. So it really serves two purposes when I trash something. Art is objective right? I think it is.
The Sandwitches - Joe Says by One Thirty BPM
The Sandwitches - Joe Says by One Thirty BPM
Lionine's new song sounds like a B-track on Guitar Hero.
The first thing that comes to mind when I watch this is the awesome beard action. I'm currently growing a beard that will rival even this guys but its an amazing beard still. The songs good an interesting sound. I like the old school bluesy sound. The vocals also remind me of earlier Dave Matthews band. This song can be found on their latest effort entitled 'Destruction Manual'.
Ra Ra Riot "Too Dramatic" seems good but I'm still unsure..
Theres not much about this song that I don't like. I think as far as new songs go this has been the best indie track I've heard in a long while. I might need to pick up the new EP due out March 8th but this seems like a band that could go the distance.
Star Slinger - 'Mornin' is what you need this morning.
What is it about that fast forwarded sounding vocals thats so cool sounding. I can't remember which rapper used it first but I think it was Kanye (asshat) West. Short and sweet this is the perfect feel good song for the morning.
Louis and Genevieve featuring Pomplamoose
Not the strongest song that Pomplamoose has been featured on but its still good. I think the contrast of the two bands is pretty high, anyways... The songs called 'On and On' and its worth taking a look at.
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