Its always nice to get a little VVFS on your Fridays!
Friday, December 10, 2010
I love this band. They are true lovers of all things metal and they put on a kick ass show. Check them out as the rock the Canadians with their song "Ultramotion"!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dimebag Darrell won't be forgotten.
Yesterday was the anniversary of Dimebag's death. Its been 6 years since he was gunned down while playing a show. Yesterday people showered the news feeds with articles about this guitar legend. I thought about it several times and decided that instead of going on about Dimebag was super awesome on the guitar and blah blah, I would just share some of the music I love that he made. You will never be forgotten by us metal heads Brother... RIP.
Eliza Doolittle - "Skinny Genes"
I'm only going to say this ONE TIME. Do NOT watch the video while you listen to the song for the first time. PLEASE!!! Just listen to the song... and if you are in the mood to hate watch the video. This is just sad. I understand that sex sell, I do. This girl doesn't even look 18. I'm sure shes older but jeez. I honestly thought about only posting where you could play and here and not watch, but its unfair for me to not give you the chance to hate the video as much as I do.
Young Man - "Up So Fast" New Video
Not a whole hell of a lot to say about this one. Its a good song though it might go on for a bit too long. Colin Caulfield is the front man of Young Man and by front man I mean he does everything. Which is really impressive. If you would like to hear more you can go HERE!
One Angry Bird Questions His Motivation.
If you haven't already you really should check out Dorkly. It has been my new favorite source of entertainment. Its primarily a gaming site devoted the the funny side of the medium. In my opinion, the best thing on the site are these Dorkly Bits. They are original clips based upon video games from previous systems. I highly suggest you check the site out.
I can't stop myself any more. I laugh at this video every time I see it. Its 9 seconds of pure awesome!
TRANSFORMERS TRAILER... and it kinda sucks.
![]() |
...And God said, "Let there be a Cartoon in which giant robots turned into vehicles from the 80's.". and It was Good! |
I want to punch Micheal Bay in his no talent face. STOP FUCKING UP MY CHILDHOOD ASSHOLE! I don't understand how he gets away with stuff like "Revenge of the Fallen". I want Megatron Vs. Optimus Prime. I don't want the Fallen... or whoever that jackhole is in the trailer. Its probably Cup from the 80's movie, which is far better than the second live action movie I might add. Micheal Bay needs children who grew up watching the G1 show not the writers he has now. Bunch of talentless hacks. At least we don't have to worry about Megan Fox's no acting vag in the movie.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Kyle - enjoy the taste of my ace in the hole! ...wait...
and with hobo gloves....
how many of him are there?! I don't know!!
I see Michelles Stefano Barone and raise her Antoine Dufour
I wouldn't say this guy is better by any means but.....damn... they both needs to make children together somehow and make a baby god guitarist with a beard.. oh wait they did and his name is Andy Mckee... Enjoy.
All I have to say about this is "damn".
Circa Survive
Yeah yeah im sure you have heard them. If you like Saosin then you love Circa Survive. Period. Except for the fact that Anthony Green is a god compared to Cove Reber. Anthony writes amazing lyrics if you actually take the time to give a poop and read what he is singing like a little girl/boy. Yes he does sound like a little girl but get over it and listen to it. The musicians in this band are ridiculous. I can say that I have had a really hard time getting into their new album but im still working with it. Definitely a lot of good songs on it. I'm just trying to find the best one A personal favorite of mine off the new album "Blue Sky Noise" is a song called "I've Felt Free". Definitely a lot slower or tamed down compared to the other stuff but a damn good song. Maybe I think that because I feel like i've been through some shitty relationships in my life (haven't we all). I'm pretty sure that nothing will compare to "On Letting Go" but i'm willing to give it a chance. Here are some of my favorites. Oh and because of people being gay and not letting videos have an embeded code you get these crappy videos oh well just listen to it. Enjoy. Oh and if you don't like any of these videos just watch the dancing Salsa dog at the end instead.
ok so this is the funniest crap i've seen in a long time... I really hope you feel the same way! I have to thank my good ole friend Steven P for introducing me to this. Some genius dubbed over videos of famous guitar players perfectly and it is absolutely hilarious please lord watch all of them it's worth it.. ENJOY!
EKTOMORF - 'Sea Of My Misery' Video Released.
I guess you could consider this a "ballad". A few weeks ago I posted a video by these guys called "Last Fight", which was very much a Soulfly emulation. This song switches things up a bit. I'm a big fan of Days of the New and the low tuned accustic guitars used in their music. EKTOMORF used the same low tuning in this song to give it a more heavy sound. Its pretty effective. I was waiting for the song to explode into heavy and it didn't happen. Well I'm at least interested in the album "Redemption" that is being released later this month on the 17th.
EKTOMORF - Sea Of My Misery
AFM Records | Myspace Music Videos
Stefano Barone
Guitar tapping should most certainly be considered part of the Top Five Most Excellent Forms of Art EVER. Right behind sand art and macaroni portraits. Check out Candyrat Records for more spectacular guitarists!
FIREAL - "Breathe" New Song
I think its a rule of making music, "You must have a song called "Breathe" or your not a real band". If its not a rule then every band ever got the memo. Several things strike me when listening to this song, none of which is "Man this is good!". First of all the name of the band is terrible. Its a pun or something and I freaking hate it. I hate it but not as much as I hate the song itself. They sound like a mix of My Chemical Romance and 30 Seconds to Mars. So why am I sharing?? Well people love this shit, so why not.
Ra Ra Riot Live On Letterman - "Boys"
Not much more to say that the title doesn't. The song "Boys" comes from their latest album which was released this year called "The Orchard". Is it just me or is Letterman kinda rude about the band being there. Maybe hes just getting too old.
Frank Turner - "I Still Believe"
This song is awesome. I generally don't do the whole singer songwriter thing but this one hits close to home. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the "oldies" but I understand that without them music wouldn't really be what it is today. People should be more attune to those bands and artist in this period of music. Maybe then we could get rid of the terrible pop and rap music that plagues the airwaves today!
Margot And The Nuclear So And So's
Ever feel like slitting your wrists and the only thing to hold you back was the lack of a perfect soundtrack to your last minutes on this hell-ridden planet? Search no more, quitters! Margot And The Nuclear So And So’s have a haunting, yet soothing sound that make closing your eyes for the last time an event to look forward to! Allow them to give you some background music to life’s more miserable moments :)
Universum - "Mortus Machina"
Number of the Blog posted that Universum uploaded a new song and that they thought that it was good. I tend to agree. You can follow the link to listen and read more or listen to the song below. This song is in support of the album "Mortus Machina" which is being released next year.
I can admit when I'm wrong!
I may have spoken Ill to a band that deserves some praise. The other day I posted THIS about the band Cilice and said that everything about their band smelled of suck. Well I've been listening to their album "Deranged Headtrip" and all I can say is DAMN. This is a good metal album. Its almost the perfect blend between progressive and technical metal. The vocalist (who is no longer with the band) does some Disturbed type vocal patterns that really work with the music. There is also a song in which the singer sounds like Nathan Explosion from dethklok. I highly recommend this album if you a fan of the genre and even if your not check out the songs below. I can admit when I'm wrong about a band. Sometimes I make snap judgement about things and if my opinion of something changes I'll admit to it. Too many people today have to much pride to know when something they originally believed is wrong. Sometimes you just gotta admit defeat and love music!
CiLiCe - Mental Breakdown
CiLiCe - "Chernobyl"
Nightlands - “Suzerain (A Letter to the Judge)”
I'm a fan! Never heard Nightlands until this moment but I'm instantly a fan. Reminds me of earlier Super Furry Animals mixed with My Mourning Jacket. That might be a bit much but I like the song a lot. The video on the other hand.... lets just say listen to the song but keep browsing in a different tab while you do so. Its definitely not my cup of tea.
Rival Schools
Ever heard of Rival Schools? Me either. They played some songs live though and someone recorded it. Then they uploaded them and I put them on my site. This was the end product....
Rival Schools - Rival Schools '69 Guns'
Rival Schools - Rival Schools 'Shot After Shot'
The Go! Team feat Best Coast - "Buy Nothing Day"
People have been going nuts over Best Coast. I can't say I see the genius in the music but I do like it. This song featuring the lead singer of Best Coast really hits me in the right way. Its the best song I'm sure I'll hear all weak, and I listen to more music in a day that normal people listen to in a week. This song will be on The Go! Team's new album "The Rolling Blackouts", due out February of next year!
Buy Nothing Day by threeminutesthirtyseconds
I The Breather - "Forgiven"
I've not made my mind up about this one as of yet. I'm a fan of this style of metal. I'm just not sure how I feel about the message being all in your face. Normally I can't understand a word that metal screamers say but this one I understand loud and clear. Christians in music are a good thing. They add a positive message to an other wise dreary musical style. I'm not a fan of the Christan message being blared at me. I guess its good for others but I grew up with that. To each is own. Oh and terrible band name...
Gorillaz Feat. Snoop Dogg - “Welcome to the Plastic Beach”
I'm just not sure how I feel about this song. I'll admit that the newest release by the Gorillaz's wasn't and still isn't my favorite album, but it is growing on me. I'm starting to understand some of the reason for all of the rappers. This collaboration doesn't really make much sense to me. Not to mention that Snoop lost a bit of "street cred" by being in a Katey Perry video. Hope you enjoy the video.
Happy Birthday Mormotron!!!
Today is my brothers birthday. So I thought I would send him this message. He is one of the content authors of this site so wish him a happy birthday would you?! Happy birthday man, I love you.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Alter Bridge - "Isolation" New Video
I can't help but laugh at this song. I know the guys from AB are trying really hard to be heavy. I remember hearing reports about how this will be their "heaviest album to date". Well that maybe the case but utimately is still sounds like creed and Nickelback and you don't want those comparisons. AB III was released earlier this year.
Neon Indian - “Mind, Drips” New Video
This song is interesting. I'm not sure if its the quality of it or what but sometime is striking about this song. I feel like we live in an age where the 80's music style is more popular than it even was in the 80's. I'm not sure if the video is supporting something or not. So enjoy "Mind, Drips"
Dead By April - 'Stronger' New Video.
It may just be me. But when I see that a song is called "Stronger" I instantaneousness think Britney Spears. I guess thats being a child of the 90's. After thinking that I have and still have a hard time taking this song seriously. I don't know if the band name helps either. I didn't really enjoy the song but I hope you do.
Paste Magazine's Top 20 Covers of 2010
I'm not going to make a super long post about this, but the people over at paste made a pretty interesting list. They uploaded the songs for you to listen to as well and I have to say, some of them are really good. I may not agree with the top spots but they put a lot of work into it. here are the top 5 on their list...
5. Jimmy Fallon (as Neil Young) and Bruce Springsteen – “Whip My Hair” (Willow Smith)
4. The Raveonettes – “I Wanna Be Adored” (Stone Roses) – The Raveonnettes
3. St. Vincent, Beck and Liars – “Never Tear Us Apart” (INXS)
2. Cee Lo Green – “No One Gonna Love You” (Band of Horses)
1. Lissie (tie) – “Bad Romance” (Lady Gaga) and “Pursuit of Happiness” (Kid CuDi)
You can see the list HERE and you can hear Cee Lo Green's version of “No One Gonna Love You” below.
Monday, December 6, 2010
CREMATORY - "Infinity" New Video
Must be a metal morning. This song comes from their release earlier this year. They recently celebrated their 20th anniversary! Grats guys!
Bring Me The Horizon - "Anthem" New Video
Not a huge fan of this band. I don't really understand all the hype that they've received by the mainstream. They use curse words so watch at your own risk. This song comes from their new release,"There Is A Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is A Heaven, Let's Keep It A Secret".
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Devin Townsend - Hyperdrive
My brother introduced me to this song and I still love it. Everything about it is amazing. I know that he likes the new version better but I can't get away from the original. If you don't enjoy this song you are a fucking idiot and should kill yourself. Kill yourself Tom Petty. Enjoy.
August Burns Red - White Washed
I can say that I am getting pretty burnt out on August Burns Red and don't really care to listen to their music to much anymore...buuut this song does still kinda make me want to punch babies at times. Enjoy.
The Grammy's Are A Joke
I don't think I've ever really cared about an awards show and I know they exist solely for people to tune in for high ratings. Even if that is the case you would think that the people who vote on who should receive a Grammy should at least be knowledgeable in whatever genre they are voting for. Not only that but it seems like Grammy's are reserved for Rappers, which doesn't make any sense. Eminem has a staggering amount of nominations, which I'm sure happens every time he releases an album but its the principle of it. Can you not find enough artist to fill a single slot. I could name 50 bands off the top of my head and 150 more if you gave me time to think about it that deserve this honor above anyone on this list. I dare you to tell me that these two lists are legit.
Album of the Year
» Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
» Eminem - Recovery
» Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
» Lady Gaga - The Fame Monster
» Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
Record of the Year
» B.o.B (featuring Bruno Mars) - "Nothin' on You"
» Eminem (featuring Rihanna) - "Love the Way You Lie"
» Cee Lo Green - "F--- You"
» Jay-Z and Alicia Keys - "Empire State of Mind"
» Lady Antebellum - "Need You Now"
All of those nominations except for Cee Lo Green are a complete joke. I've never even heard and of the songs up for "record of the year". I was curious as to what goes into being nominated for a Grammy so I check good Ole "Wikipedia" and in the section labeled "Nomination Process" I found this abomination of writing....
Record companies and individuals may submit recordings to be nominated. The entries are entered online and then a physical copy of the product must be sent to the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. Once a work is entered, reviewing sessions are held by over 150 experts from the recording industry. This is done only to determine whether or not a work is eligible or entered into the proper category for official nomination.Are you kidding me? Experts? Who the hell could be considered an EXPERT after listening to KATE FUCKING PERRY and saying, "WOW, this might be the greatest album of the year"... REALLY? Experts... in an industry filled with shit. Does that make you an expert on shit? Just the sentence makes me want to vomit, and where did they find "150 experts"? Is there a school where you can get a degree in Expert Music? If there is I want to go, I want to be an expert in music. Maybe then I can figure out why people love pop music. All joking aside, This really bothers me. Its not right to the thousands of artist that make great stuff and don't get recognition for it. I'm not saying that I've figured out a better system. I just think that instead of enlisting "Experts" you should find people who truly KNOW MUSIC. Also, only nominate one artist for one category. Give other artist a chance at more recognition. Lets stop the popularity contest that the Grammy's are now, because that awards show already exists and its called the "Teen Choice Awards"
CILICE - "Left / Right Hemisphere"
Everything about this band smells of suck, but this song is pretty good. Taken from their debut, "Deranged Headtrip", the video contains tour footage from their "Mini Mammoth U.K. tour 2010". There are a couple really good moments in the song so give it a listen.
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