Thursday, October 14, 2010
Barenaked Ladies - "All In Good Time" Review
For the past couple days I've been writing and erasing and then rewriting and the erasing yet again a review for the Barenaked Ladies new album "All In Good Time". I struggled so much because I feel the album is complete trash. I couldn't be objective when listening to it because I already wasn't a fan of Barenaked Ladies in the first place. I just didn't feel right calling it complete trash without having something to compare it to. Well believe it or not a former "BNL" is the one who showed me that its OK to hate "BNL" and his solo stuff. That person is Steven Page.

I give Steven Page's single and Barenaked Ladies "All In Good Time" 1 band that shouldn't exist anymore out of 5
Steven Page
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Camel eats a child
The people at Fork Party uploaded this picture. Real or fake? Doesn't matter its freakin awesome!!!!
Kylesa - New video
I'm really impressed with Kylesa's new album "Spiral Shadow". This video is very fitting of the song.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Belle & Sebastian - Write About Love.
I'm not going to lie and say "I've loved Bell & Sebastian forever and you suck because you haven't!!" because that's not true. I've only been listening to them for about a year now. "The Life Pursuit" quickly became one of my favorite albums of its kind. Stewart Murdock, the leader of the band, was on his way of perfecting his sound. Has he done it with "Write About Love", or is it a sad attempt at riding its predecessor coattails?
"Write About Love" is the eighth studio album from Bell & Sebastian and you can tell. This is a very tight record. The songs are deliberate in nature. There isn't a single fluff song on the entire record. Maybe taking four years to make an album makes that possible but I think it has to do with the talent that is represented in the music. "Write About Love" might be the bands most accessible outing yet which by no means is a bad thing. They still have kept that same "Indie" sound but kept the pop sound from "The Life Pursuit". There is a duet with Nora Jones (yes she still exists) that is one of the more beautiful songs on the album. If I had one complaint its that the album doesn't really ever pick up in tempo. The song "I'm Not Living In the Real World" teases us with a higher tempo song, but is by far the weakest track, though its still very good.
I'm very impressed with "Bell & Sebastian Write about Love". I would be really surprised if this wasn't in the top three albums of this year and in my top 20 of all time.
I give it 5 out of 5.
Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest
Off the bat I have to say that Deerhunter might be the worst name for a band... ever. Maybe it works in other parts of the world, but for myself, I assume that they are a bluegrass band from Georgia. That may sound good to you.... your an idiot. Now that that is out of the way, here is the review for "Halcyon Digest".
Deerhunter's style isn't something that is really fresh or new, actually in my opinion this particular style is dated and kind of tired. "Halcyon Digest" does a really good job at putting some pep in the step of a dying music style. I've been trying to think of what I would call "Deerhunter" but honestly nothing really comes to mind. The first track "Earthquake" musically has a good sound. Unfortunately the vocal work is abysmal. They used the "extremely distorted" setting on the Mic and it doesn't work well with the song at all. If you can make it through that first song your in for a treat. "Halcyon Digest" from song two on is a great experience. This is an album where the songs really stand out from each other. There are some really fun moments like the energetic "Revival". To the more somber moments of "Sailing". "Halcyon Digest" doesn't bring anything new to the table but what it does bring is enjoyable.
I give it 3.5 bad band names out of 5
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