came on by one of my most despised bands, Creed. I really don't like Creed. Haven't for years and its not because its popular to not like Creed. I just dislike their music. Well I mainly dislike Scott Stapp. I guess the point I'm trying to make is even terrible bands have decent tracks. Its easy (especially for me) to just write something off as being terrible because of what little knowledge I have of a band or whatever the opinion might pertain to. Give things a chance. Music will surprise you sometimes. Things your not accustom to might end up being your favorites someday. Is our musical pride all that important anyways. Sometimes I completely forget that music isn't important to people. Which is shocking to me really. How can you go through the day without hearing a song from a great band and still have a good day? That's insanity to me. Without music I would be nothing. I'm not sure I would be able to exist. Remember in high school, when you would sit at the lunch table and play the "what if" game? Someone would always say "Would you rather be blind or deaf". Now for me that's very easy to answer. Would it be for you?
So I guess I went off topic a bit, its my site deal with it. Next time you hear a song you like by a band you hate try and remember they had the talent to make that one good song. That's all the music industry really cares about anyways right?
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