Here are 5 super short reviews of some albums I've been listening to over the past couple days. Some of these I may have only listened to once or twice so that should make for some fun.... or not.

This album is Dream Pop at its most interesting and most filthy lyrically. Some of these songs sound like they should have been tracks from games off the Super Nintendo. I'm not saying that they are cartoony in any way, but they use sounds that were pretty prominently used for those tracks. I really like the feel of this record. Its not saturating like a lot of dream pop can be. Its very light an airy and the vocals are very unique to this album.
"Native Speaker" gets a 3.5 out of 5

This is the most pop of the albums on this list. I'm not saying that there are only pop elements but they are heavy where the show up. The Go! Team aren't a band I've spent much time listening to. It is however a band that I feel like I will get to know over the next couple months. It has an epic feel to it, its loud and strong. The songs are very deliberate. If I had any problem with the album its the obvious rap influences. The songs that feature rapping vocals tend to annoy.
"Rolling Blackouts" gets a 3.7 out of 5

Dead Child Star is like the bastard child of The Postal Service and Eels. That sounds horrible, but I promise it works. The songs are constructed well, the vocals fit the source material. I really recommend listen to the song "Airport Life" to get an idea of the band. This album's sound is very small in the since that it doesn't have a lot of elements to the songs. I listened to this album more than the others but I have much less to say about it.
"Cold Hands, Warm Heart" gets a 3 .5 out of 5

Hugo Race has been around the block and back again musically. I'm honestly surprised that I hadn't heard of him until now. Race has an amazing voice. Its very weathered, it speaks of character. When you listen to him sing you feel like your listening to a man with a story to tell. The songs themselves have heavy acoustic guitars and the album is produced masterfully.
"Fatalist" gets a 4 out of 5

I did a small spot on this band the other day and I liked the song I posted so much I decided to give the rest of the album a try and man I was glad I did. This album is tripy, its an album that takes you on a ride. Not the kind of thing that you can break up but an album for a sitting. The songs of an old school element to them that is hard to describe with words. Almost like these songs are something different underneath the surface.
Too Beautiful to Work gets a 3 out of 5
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