Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I can understand loving songs so much you sing to them in your car or in the shower or whatever but really....do you have to upload them on the internet for people to tell you that you suck...ugh.. just..........please do the world a favor and stop...making.....................these horrible videos.... And why do these people insist on singing/screaming into a microphone that ISN'T PLUGGED IN or give some lame excuse like they have been sick or something like it's going to make me be like "OH MY DEAR LANTA YOU WERE SICK WHEN YOU RECORDED THIS VIDEO?!?! YOU MUST BE AMMMMMMMMMMAAAZING WHEN YOU AREN'T SICK!!!!!!! POST MORE POST MORE POST MORE POST MORE!!!!!!!!!!!" blah blah blah. The last video is my favorite because i feel like it is every band from Columbia South Carolina that thinks they are the shit and wants everyone to listen to their god awful cover band. Man i give props to the drummer ESPECIALLY since you can't hear a damn thing he is playing. Enjoy????????????????????? maybe????a little bit???????? ok no.. you won't enjoy this but it might make you laugh... a lot...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that becoming the archetype song... but he just looks stupid singing in front of a camera.