I saw "Machete" about a week ago and I have to say, its one of my favorite movies of the year. It gets the popcorn, don't take yourself too seriously, I should have Steven Seagal in all my movies mentality and runs with it. Of course no movie is without its problems and "Machete" definitely has its share. So lets do something new. First I'll go through the good and then the bad. I'll try and keep it as short as possible.
1. Machete's Dialog. The man barely talks, but when he does its good for a laugh every time.
2. Supporting Cast. The supporting cast (for the most part) does a great job at filling in the story where it lacks from the plot. They offer humor in an otherwise dark movie.
3. Steven Seagal. Nuff said. OK for real, I know people hate him, but why? He makes laughable movies that are entertaining and that are suppose to be bad. He makes no illusions to them being anything but what they are and I love him for that.
1. Lindsey Lohan. She plays a very small role, but just having her in it makes me want to throw up.
2. Mexican border situation. Its not really that bad, but the fact that they bring it up at all kinda errks me. I know its a real problem, but it could have been left out.
3. Nudity. I love the female body, but I don't care to see it in a movie. Even artistic nudes aren't good in my book.
Give it a watch.
I give it 4 out of 5 taco's.
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