Sunday, October 3, 2010

Brandon Boyd - The Wild Trapeze

Brandon Boyd is most known for being the lead singer of the rock act Incubus. I enjoy Boyd's voice because for me it was one of the more unique voices of the late 90's early 2000's int he rock music scene. Incubus has released six studio albums, one greatest hits album, and are currently recording a new album to be released in early 2011. In 2008 Incubus went on a hiatus as most band do after touring and recording for 10 years straight. Boyd took the chance to record an album by his lonesome. Are the results just an Incubus clone or does he make a name for himself with new and original music?

The Wild Trapeze starts out with the very strong title track which has a very distinct Days of the New heavy acoustic sound. Much to my surprise, and delight most of the songs would carry the same acoustic element. The first three tracks really put you in a place for the rest of the record. The forth track "A Night Without Cars" starts with a very noticeable "Incubus" sound but soon evolves into a very atmospheric and unique sounding song that I can't help but bob my head to. The rest of the album continues the very good trend of strong acoustic songs with Boyd's great vocal work. I would say my favorite track on the album is "Courage and Control". Its got a great coffee house feel to it. Like Boyd is actually sitting in the room with you performing the song.

Brandon Boyd's "The Wild Trapeze" is a great album. Because its an acoustic album I think this would be more of a "when your in the mood album". I would recommend checking it out for those times where you just need something to chill with.

I give The Wild Trapeze 4.5 Incubus's out of 5

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