Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chiodos - Illuminaudio

Chiodos is a band that I really couldn't get into for one reason... pop punk. One of my most reviled music genre's. Pop punk is the definition with whats wrong with the music industry. Lately its taken a back burner to a more pop form of metal. Bands like A Day to Remember and Attack Attack are shitting all over what we who listen to music find great. Something about Chiodos though made me think that they could one day but out an amazing record. Is this that record?

Yes, yes it is. Illuminaudio has an amazingly stupid name but a great sound. They dropped the my chemical romance sound for a more mature rock sound that works very well. The record is solid offering a wide variety of tracks with some flirting with that metal line. The thing that impresses me most of all is how much this album makes me think that this is what rock bands from the 90's and early 2000's should sound like now.  Songs like "Scaremonger" have a great chaos to them that have a hint of Converge but still remain accessible to the common listener. "Hey Zeus! The Dungeon" have an epic feel to them, with a sound that's much bigger than the song leads on. My complaints as always with Chiodos are the vocals can be downright terrible. I mean just bad. While a good bit of the time the vocals stay on an accessible plain, sometimes they can be way too high pitched. The final track "Closed Eyes Still Look Forward" is by far the worst track on the album which is very disappointing.

Chiodos has finally impressed me with Illuminaudio. Nice rock tracks that have the head bob effect. At times the vocals are a bit harsh but the music more than makes up for this flaw.

I give Illuminaudio 3.5 stupid album names out of 5

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