My love for the Doves came in 2002 when I saw the video of their song "There Goes the Fear" on the Internet. I was almost instantly hooked. I was a huge Coldplay fan at the time and was really latching onto anything in the same genre / vain as the band. This to me was like Coldplay with the sound of that the, at the time, indie British feel or at least I thought that's what it was. It wasn't long before I tried my best to own everything that the Doves had done to that point so I promptly went to manifest and purchased the albums "Lost Souls" and "The Last Broadcast"

"Lost Souls" is the first full length album by Doves and its a perfect starting point. Its probably their most experimental album which is odd because its their first. If you listen to "The Last Broadcast" first as I did you would understand why. "Lost Souls" is very well put together and has great instrumental parts but unlike Broadcast they vocals aren't as prominent. Almost as if they were an after thought. This isn't a band thing, its just different from what they've done later on in their career's. The music itself is very atmospheric. It draws you in with this haunting melodies. I swear it almost feels as if your listening to the most beautiful horror movie sound track not because its trying to scare you. Its just very unsettling, but settling at the same time. Its hard to really capture in words what its like to experience "Lost Souls" but if I had to I would in the way that people say you have to experience Pink Floyd or Grateful Dead. With a loud stereo and no one to bother you. You can skip the acid part, its not the 70's anymore.
06 - Lost Souls by Dazalli
09 - The Man Who Told Everything by Dazalli
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The second album by Doves is "The Last Broadcast" and it improved upon the sound that Doves had set with their first release. It wasn't a drastic change, but the songs did have more structure and depth. "The Last Broadcast" was the first album I had listened to in its entirety and loved with the first play through. I remember like it was yesterday how it felt to instantly be impressed by something. "The Last Broadcast" featured many great songs but the one that gets me every time is called "Caught by the River". Its one of those songs that just gets in your soul and makes you want to sing your troubles away. It shines for me as the best song by Doves and one of my favorite songs of all time. "The Last Broadcast" is a great example of a band teasing the greatness that was soon to follow. Its a shining accomplishment that needs to be appreciated more.
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