You want to know what drives me up the wall with pop music? Its not that it is relentlessly trying to stain the world was herpes or trying to redefine what is cool every 10 minutes. Its the total lack to respect for the listener. I mean, have you ever spent just two minutes looking at the lyrics to some of these songs?? I understand that what people actually compute from listening to a song can vary by very extreme degrees. The issue is ultimately this. When you call Kesha's music "music", it devalues all of the bands and artist out there who work hard to make beautiful and talented music. Kesha is the teen equivalent to the Insane Clown Posse lyrically. Here are some of the lyrics from "Cannibal"
From Sleazy:
I don't need you and your brand new Benz
Or your bourgie friends
And I don't need love looking like diamonds
Looking like diamonds
Get sleazy, get sleazy, get sleazy, get sleazy
Get sleazy, get sleazy, get sleazy, get sleazy
Imma get sleazy, get sleazy, get sleazy, get sleazy
Imma get sleazy, get sleazy, get sleazy, get sleazy
I don't need you and your brand new Benz
Or your bourgie friends
And I don't need love looking like diamonds
Looking like diamonds
I don't need you and your brand new Benz
Or your bourgie friends
And I don't need love looking like diamonds
Looking like diamonds

Rat-a-tat-tat on your dum-dum drum
The beat's so phat, gonna make me come
Um, um, um, um to your place!
Rat-a-tat-tat on your dum-dum drum
The beat's so phat, gonna make me come
Um, um, um, um to your place!
I don't mean to critique on your seduction technique
But your money's not impressing me, it's kinda weak
That you really think you're gonna get my rocks off
Get my top and socks off, by showing me the dollars in your drop box
Me and all my friends, we don't buy bottles, we bring 'em
We take the drinks from the tables when you get up and leave 'em
And I don't care if you stare and you call us scummy
Cause we ain't after your affection, and sure as hell not your money, honey
OK so basically what this song is trying hard to do is establish the fact that Kesha doesn't need a man's money. That she is independent and just want to have fun without relying on others. Why then does she have to say that the beat is, and i quote "So Phat, gonna make me come". That literally displaces all sense of maturity in your pathetic attempt to seem independent.
What is Kesha's obsession with glitter? I'm apparently missing something about the importance of this craft supply because she makes reference to it at least 20 times. It wouldn't be so bad if it just made me think that she was 14 years old. Then we get to the song "The Harold Song", and as far as an actual song its not as terrible to the years, well to a point. We then get this lyric that again makes me question the age of this person,
I miss your soft lips. I miss your white sheets.
I miss the scratch of your unshaved face on my cheek.
And this is so hard cause I didn't see
that you were the love of my life and it kills me.
I see your face in strangers on the street.
I still say your name when I'm talking in my sleep.
And in the limelight, I play it off fine.
But I can't handle it when I turn off my night light.
Your night light???? Seriously. Ok to be fair, maybe girls like to keep some sort of light on when they are sad about man problems. Maybe she's using night light as an actual light that she uses when it is in fact nighttime. Anyway you look at it, its a stupid line.
OK I'm gonna wrap this up by talking about Kesha's new album in general. The issue with Kesha is the fact that she doesn't seem to have actual talent doing anything. She doesn't sing well and most of the time she's not singing at all. Its more of a bratty spoken word rant thingy. I know she doesn't come up with her "MUSIC" because there are producers that do that for her. Her lyrics are a joke. When I said earlier that she is the Insane Clown Posse of teen girls I meant it. Her lyrics are used for shock value most of the time. Problem is its less shocking and more "this girl needs to be grounded". She has a song called "See U Next Tuesday" Which unless you've been under a rock means "cunt". That's what really sum's Kesha up for me in one word.
If you enjoy listening to music that makes you seem like the worst kind of trash, then Kesha is for you. If you value your ears than do yourself and the world a giant favor and stay away.
Cannibal gets negative out of 5
» 1. "Cannibal"
» 2. "We R Who We R"
» 3. "Sleazy"
» 4. "Blow"
» 5. "The Harold Song"
» 6. "Crazy Beautiful Life"
» 7. "Grow a Pear"
» 8. "C U Next Tuesday"
» 9. "Animal (Billboard remix)"
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