Sunday, July 1, 2012

Djent (is it a genre?)

Over the past couple of years I've had the privilege to listen to a bunch of really great bands who belong in the musical category of Djent, or do they? Recently I've been seeing on a lot of blogs and websites that Djent isn't actually a thing. Its all just progressive metal with heavy meshuggah influences.... isn't that too fucking much to say? Would it really be a bad thing to just embrace the movement as a new genre and just be done with it? Of course I've no authority at all when to comes to things of this nature but I truly feel that Djent is an actual thing and I love it.

Some of the bands I've been listening to on regular play that could be associated with the genre are

The Safety Fire
... and of course Meshuggah.

I've been really critical on this site in the past and some of it I feel was unwarranted.  I was unemployed when I started IHBC and i think it really effected how I approached the music I was reviewing. Of course Kanye and Kesha can suck a dick, but that doesn't mean some of the other bands didn't put out some worth while efforts.

Metal is just that its metal... of course there are sub genres and that's not a bad thing. We as fans of metal really need to get off the bashing wagon of some of the less appreciated sub genres. The reason is we are truly in the minority. I actually have no friends who listen to metal, its fucking terrible. We all should really be supportive of the entire genre and stop singling things out to attack. I'm gonna start today and I really hope you will too!