Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why don't you have a Twitter account? Gary Busey does.....

I really do think twitter is absolutely retarded. But if you are like me you get crap from people for not having one. Well..i didn't have one until i realized that Gary Busey did and he is the soul purpose of why i have one now. Gary Busey is amazing and spreads the pure busey genius to everyone on twitter. So this being said. If you don't have a twitter stop being a twit <--- clever eh? and get one so you can follow Gary Busey (NotGaryBusey) and maybe Zach Galifianakis (NotGalifianakis). Oh and of course Intelligence Has Been Compromised.  OH and if you don't want to any of that and would rather watch Gary Busey and Chuck Norris battle it out on Walker Texas Ranger (which i know you do) then just watch the video below. Enjoy!

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