Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bunch of newish songs by Coldplay.

I'm not sure if I've ever voiced my opinion on Coldplay on the site but it goes about like this : I love Parachutes and Rush of Blood and almost EP they've released. I tried REALLY hard to like X&Y but that album and the one after Viva La Pinata are both IMO too electronic and U2ish. The new video entitled "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall" suffers from the same issues that I had with the previous albums but then we get two other songs that might be the best stuff since "Rush of Blood". "Major Minus" is the first of the released tracks and it has an epic sound without feeling too over produced and bland. Its got an epicly infectious guitar riff. The second is "Moving to Mars" and not since the Blue Room EP has their been a song that felt as raw in emotion and recording. Its a welcome addition. Lastly is the video for "Every Teardrop" The video, (like most Coldplay videos) is well done. Chris Martin does all the usual shit he does and the band is as far in the background as possible. I just don't like this song as much as the other 2. Make the choice for yourself.

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