Monday, December 13, 2010

Abandon All Ships or.....better yet just abandon this band..

This band is pure crap. First of all... for some reason I have this big thing about saying your band name in one of your own songs and how it is super gay if you do that. And it just so happens in this song they scream "Gasp for air, ABANDON ALL SHIPS!!!" Reaaallllyyyy??? pfff i'd rather this band stay on the ship and die. Another things I totally agree with one thing my brother said about blasting the Christian message in your face etc...I honestly don't even know if these guys are a "Christian" band but man oh man the lyrics are absolutely horrible and it doesn't help that they have a song called "Bro My God"... ugh this band just sucks. Enjoy.


Unknown said...

Are they trying to be Attack Attack?

Isaac said...
