Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kings of Leon - Come Around Sundown.

I want to start out by saying that I'm probably the worst person to review this album. I didn't like the last album "Only by the night", I didn't feel that album deserved the hype people gave it. I did like "Youth and Young Manhood" which was their first release back in 2003. So I don't feel too guilty.

Kings of Leon for me are one of the classic "you like them, or you don't" type bands. They generally write lower key songs that are a kin to the strokes or Interpol. I think the biggest hurtle while listing to Kings are the vocals. I'm not sure who to compare the vocals too but they don't feel fresh for the most part. Actually that might be the best way to describe Kings of Leon to this point.... not so fresh. Now for the review.

The album starts out well enough with the song "The End". Its a strong opening song with a catchy tune and nice sound. It blends well with the next track and their first single "Radioactive". This track has guitars taken almost straight out of a "Strokes" album and while normally that would bother me, it doesn't here. There's not much to say about the album until "Beach Side" which in my opinion might be the best song I've heard from this band. It reminds me of a track that you could listen to while just driving in your car with the windows down. There are a couple more mentions on the record. The song "Pony Up" has an interesting bass line that makes it feel fresh compared to the rest of the album. "Mi Amigo" is another highlight, having an almost retro feel to it and nice guitars.

So how do I feel of the effort as a whole? Well Its decent, not great. Josh Parks was telling me last night that when he sees reviews of albums people use words like "IMPORTANT" to describe how good an album is... and this isn't that. It seems almost like a safe album for those who loved "Only by the Night". So if you enjoyed "Sex on Fire" you will like 90% of this album easily.

I give Come Around Sundown 3 Fire resistant condoms out of 5.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Your blog is important.