Thursday, December 9, 2010

TRANSFORMERS TRAILER... and it kinda sucks.

...And God said, "Let there be a Cartoon in which giant robots turned into vehicles from the 80's.". and  It was Good!

I want to punch Micheal Bay in his no talent face. STOP FUCKING UP MY CHILDHOOD ASSHOLE! I don't understand how he gets away with stuff like "Revenge of the Fallen". I want Megatron Vs. Optimus Prime. I don't want the Fallen... or whoever that jackhole is in the trailer. Its probably Cup from the 80's movie, which is far better than the second live action movie I might add. Micheal Bay needs children who grew up watching the G1 show not the writers he has now. Bunch of talentless hacks. At least we don't have to worry about Megan Fox's no acting vag in the movie.

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