Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reality TV

Have you ever watched TV on a weekday? I mean really just sat down on your butt, picked up the remote control and just looked at whats on? Me either, but I'm sure if you did you would see a sea of reality TV shows. They are like a plague on our society. Seems like everyone has one they enjoy watching though. I enjoy kitchen Nightmare's personally. I'm not sure if I honestly consider it a full reality TV show, but its close. I digress.... If I was to start naming reality shows off the top of my head the list would look something like this...

American Idol
America's Got Talent
The Real World
For the love of....
Washed up Rapper needs a girlfriend.
White people can't fine love without shallowness.
Real Housewives of Slut ville USA

Truer words were never spoken.
Its seemingly endless. They have an entire network for the genre. That's how giant this whole "real" thing got. We can sit her and blame different shows all day for their impact on the genre as a whole. I think we should really take a look at the first two Cop's and The Real World. One of these things is not like the other, and I'll let you guess in which way. Cops follows our finest as they protect us from the seedy underbelly of our sad society. The Real World follows some of the most unlikeable people on the face for this planet as they bitch and moan their collective asses through whatever script the horrible writers at MTV have written for them. My point being that Cops (while being generally the exception) is more reality than The Real World.

So how does this effect the state of TV today? Well its very simple really. If you can get away with making cheap programing that millions of people will watch, then your gonna keep doing it in all fascists of your programing. Recently there have been some pretty amazing shows out there. The problem is these shows do poorly because people can't be bothered to care about something more than who's gonna sing a pop song better, or who is gonna loose the most weight. People don't want character development that might be a little far fetched because its not "real".

So what is it exactly about reality TV that isn't good. Well first there is the dramatic pauses. After every stinking line in the show they have to pause to look at someone. Doesn't matter what they are doing, they MUST cut to them. Its what we like to call FILLER. Another example is the way they cut to commercial when they are giving the results of something. Seriously, they could cut down on the number of episodes needed to finish a season and just get seasons to us faster. It would still be crap programing but at least it wouldn't waste your time.

Another way its bad are the people that they try and pass off as "real". Like the women of "The Real Housewife's". Those people are not a glowing representation of the general population. "BUT IT WOULD BE BORING IF THEY WERE JUST LIKE ME!!!!". Shut up. You really think you wouldn't get emotionally invested in someone who reminded you of yourself? No you would rather see people like Snucky (not even gonna try and spell that crap) and a guy named "The Situation". Pretty sure "the situation" is what girls call their periods.

My over all point is, by watching this trash its only going to make them come out with more trash and not going to make them think about the people who actually think with their minds. They are gonna continue to ignore the smart population who would like a good story and great characters and quality entertainment. They would rather cater to you mindless tools of the system who sit night after night buying into the American idol bullshit. So thanks, thanks for ruining TV people. Thanks for making me have to deal with your stupid shows when I'm at your house or party. Thanks for pushing your reality crack onto me.

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