Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cee Lo Green - The Lady Killer

Ok so if your not up to speed I'll open with this. Cee Lo Green is a vocalist who has worked with people like Danger Mouse. Most people know him from Gnarls Barkley's song "Crazy". Now that we have that out of the way...

This album is amazingly fun. It has this party feel to it thats hard for me to put into words. I guess its the feeling when people listen to pop music and want to dance? This album makes me want to dance. Not that I ever would... but if anything was going to make me dance it would be this. There are a couple R&B staples that exist on the record such as the intro and some of the "skits". None of those things really take away from the album but it would have been an improvement just to have music without the riff raff. One of my favorite properties of the album is the production quality. I'm sure it was made with computers and blah blah, but I never feel like a band isn't playing one of the many well put together songs. Probably the most important thing I can praise this album for is the lack of any rap. I was really impressed I went 4 or 5 songs without hearing one rap verse and even more impressed when I got through the entire thing without it. It says something about the caliber on the vocal work that Cee Lo Green wanted on this album. It really is a good time to had by all.

I was worried about this one. Its not often that I find something that I enjoy in this genre. Cee Lo delivered more than just a great album but in my opinion the best R&B album to come out in 20 years.

"The Lady Killer" gets 5 fuck yous out of 5

1. The Lady Killer Theme (Intro)
2. Bright Lights Bigger City
3. Forget You
4. Wildflower
5. Bodies
6. Please (Feat. Selah Sue)
7. Satisfied
8. I Want You
9. Cry Baby
10. Fool For You (Feat. Phillip Bailey)
11. It’s OK
12. Old Fashioned
13. The Lady Killer Theme (Outro)
14. F**k You

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