Wednesday, December 22, 2010

5 Stupid things about "Tron Legacy!"

"Tron Legacy" is a film made for people who like shiny shit. I wouldn't think that any self respecting fan of the original movie would think that some of the things in Legacy could ever work. Let me make this clear. I didn't hate the movie. There are enjoyable elements that this movie does really well. No one cares about those though. So without further adieu here are the top 5 lamest things in "Tron Legacy" SPOILERS!!!

1. Tron Balls - So in the movie the main villain whose name is "Clue", and he is a digital copy of the first movies protagonist Kevin Flinn. Because he is a copy the movie wants you to think that he has some of the mannerism's of Flinn's character. So when we first see clue he is given these stress balls while watching a light disc fight. The thing that bothered me about these stress balls is that they had the Tron light bar down the middle. WHY? They didn't need to have that light on them and it just made the balls look stupid. I tried to find the scene or a picture and I could not, sorry.

2. Tron Suit Scene. Holy balls this scene made my face hurt. Sam Flinn when he first gets taken when he reaches the grid is told that he will be performing in the "games" and is taken to a room where 4 super model Tron chicks strip him and cloth him with a Tron Suit. This is done horribly, the girls are pointless other than for T&A and its sad that they though it was necessary to show this in the movie. They could have used a cool particle effect in the movie to dress him but they didn't and it was stupid.

3. Zeus/ Castor. One of the worst Characters in a movie EVAAAR. He was annoying and out of place in a movie of very mundane characters. He prances about like the movie's gay character and is obviously villain before he can even get a word out of his mouth. It was a horrible choice of an actor and a horrible way to direct him.

4.Light Cycle's. This one will piss people off but I thought that the cycles were lame in this movie. In the original you had a sense of dread while watching the races in this movie it was more like a flashy "look at my CG" scene. It lost all of the charm form the original and it just seems like something they added on.

5. The Ending and Overall Plot. So the whole plot of the movie is that Clue wants to go to our world and wants to bring all of these programs with him to take over our world. He will do this by using the portal that Sam opened when he came to the Grid. I can't even begin to tell you how effing stupid that is. The movie is asking us to believe that we could be transferred into the grid and that's fine but making us think that they could come back is idiotic. How would the beam know how to reconstruct a program into flesh and blood? Where would the hundreds of troops fit into the small room that the laser is in? There are so many holes with the over all plot that it makes my head spin. The end of the movie is no different and really stupid. I won't spoil it but its in the same vain.


David said...

where do you get the fabric from? I want to have Tron Legacy Costume and Ive been to several halloween stores and craft shops, and no one had any idea what I was looking for..

Anonymous said...

Your a dick. First if all, the stress balls look awesome, I'd love them, the super models would get some from me any day (sex sells dickweed), the light cycles have been modified, who gives a shit? And your overall complacency about the movie is sad and pathetic. By the sounds of what you are saying, your expecting a billion dollar company, with a c.g team that could recreate you, and probably give you a better personality, to make this fantastic picture into a replicar of the original, now I love the origional movie, I have most things that most tron fans would give there left ball to have. This movie is a sequel to an amazing movie, that does it so much justice, and your just bitter , as you obviously become wetter than a sluts axe wound over a foot long knob about complaining on subjects that hold no contextual argument, apart from the fact that you find minor personal annoyances so greatly irritating. Why can't arseholes like you just watch a flick, and enjoy it for the art that it is? And all the hard work that goes into it. Or just grow a personality. My god your a innapropriatley complacent dick.

Goodknight73 said...

Quite appropriate review, well done. It hit everything I found distasteful about the film. I thought this film was a real disappointment.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the feed back.